Chapter 13

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Violetta's POV

"What?", I say confused. 

"It's my song", Leon says angry.

"No, it's not, it's mine! I wrote it all myself!"

"But I wrote a song like that too, with the same lyrics."

I see that he isn't lying but I'm not lying either. He was in Mexico during that time. I remember, when I sang the song, I heard Leon's voice in my mind. He must have heard my voice too.

I look at him with big eyes and his mouth just opens, he seems to be surprised.

"Vilu, wanna get anything?", Alex suddenly asks.

"What?", I say. 

"Do you want to get anything?", he repeats. But I don't listen. All I see is Leon in front of me. I'm losing my mind in his beautiful eyes.

Alex leaves, what I only notice a few seconds after he's gone. Leon still stands in front of me.

"How could this happen?"

"What? That we wrote the same song?"

"It felt like I'm singing with you." Leon looks confused at me. "Not now! I mean when I wrote it..."

" felt so for me too."

"Maybe we should repeat that again...singing with each other... or that song...since it's ours..."

"Maybe...", he says and leaves.

Now I'm standing here alone. They all left me. But one thing bothers me...why was Leon here when I and Alex sang the song? Was he following me?!

I go to the studio, the song isn't finished yet. It got time.

When I arrive, I see Leon playing the piano and singing. He looks so cute, his hair, his eyes, his body, BUT HIS VOICE *-* he's singing entre dos mundos, out of his mouth everything sounds perfect. As he notices me, he stops singing and he tries to open his mouth but I see his eyes moving to someone standing next to me. Gery. He smiles and she goes to him and hugs him.

"I've missed you", she says. 

"I've missed you too", he answers. She won't let go of him, will she?! How long are they gonna keep hugging?!

Then Leon looks to me. He looks hurt, shouldn't I be the one looking hurt? I move to the door but I look back one time. That's it, I have to forget him.

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