Chapter Four. The Start

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As the next day arrived, the train arrived in Brule, Her home. As she saw the edge of her small town, she got to the open end of the Train car and leaped off as it went in front of the entrance to the town. 

Her black runners hit against the gravel in a smooth motion as her necklace bounced from the movement. She stretched, letting her wing expand to the farthest it could go then having it back to its resting position.

Her tail feathers bounced against the road as she started walking into town. There still wasn't snow, it was surprising. It was autumn, 'autumns here arent the longest compared to other places.'  Canada thought to herself. 'But by far it's one of the prettiest.'  

She smelled the wild roses that lived a pure life in the small town, she smiled. Only then she realized how much she missed her home. She walked by a schoolyard, it had iron gates on the border of the property. Simple, but yet beautiful.

On the other side were cabins with cars parked on the driveway, some had trailers, others had trucks, there would be the odd city car too.

It hadn't changed much, the only new thing was the flowers finally bloomed. She walked to her cabin at the end of the road on a Quebec-style street. She put her hand on the knob and to her surprise and fear, it was unlocked. 

She opened the door and saw light pink cempasúchils in a vase and freshly picked cempasúchils in a white teacup. Both in the sunlight that shined through the blinds. They were on the glass kitchen table in the corner of the room.

Canada walked on over and let her hand brush one of the hands. 'Who would do this? I don't remember asking anyone to watch the place when I left.' She thought to herself.


Her heart pounded against her chest, fear widened her eyes as she then slowly turned around to meet eyes with a childhood friend. Her fear went away as she then chuckled. "The one and only." She smiled. 

"¡Canadá!" He cried as he ran to hug her. His long, spiky tail wrapped around her. His wings dropped with relief. He hugged her tight as tears of happiness fell down his face. "Canada, I'm so happy your okay." He exhaled. 

Canada immediately hugged him back, without hesitation. What did she expect? The only person who knew her better than her family was her childhood friend, Mexico. 

"Estás bien- What...What Happened?" Mexico had lifted his head, and saw only one of her wings, he saw how her Antlers had bits that were cut off, the only thing normal. Was her tail.

"They...They got to me before I could fight. But that's alright because I'm better." Canada said sweetly.

"Canny...That's not okay."

"Yea I know." She lightly chuckled to herself.

"But. Here my out, we work together, to get your normal reality back."

Meanwhile with the three.

It was a quiet morning, they were in the Northern Counties of Canada. A place that was once beautiful, and by far, the best place to be when in this country, but it was nuked. The life in the forest took care of the dead ground, but as it became too powerful, people had to leave. They couldn't live there anymore. The forest, what reminded, became too powerful. Now it's a place of remains and history, a graveyard, an intoxicated forest that healed, a place of mystery, murder; and illusion.

They were on a mountain, Germany was tracking Canada's location, Russia was re-loading a gun. And China was setting up a bomb. When it came to him.

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