Chapter Nine. Betrayal and Revenge.

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Walking on and in between roots, pushing away branches that dared to rip her skin or clothes. Canada made it through the deepening forest, as it began to be too much to push through, she made it into an opening with the distance sound of falling water. Canada decided to use this time to take a break. As she sat down in the middle of the clearing, letting the sun soak into her skin. She smiled, looking up at the sky. But she then felt a drop, it was cold and wet. Wiping her cheek, she realized it was water.

'I can't be this close to that waterfall..'

Canada thought to herself, and just as she blinked. The sky began to grey and clouds loaded with rain. Sighing, looked through her bag for anything to protect her from the rain. Which not to her surprise, she didn't have anything. So instead, she changed into a black trench coat with a dark grey turtle neck and plain black paper bag waist pants, she took out a pair of dark brown warehouse shoes and a pain grey tuke.

She put everything back in a small folded pile in one of the pockets and got up, pulling the hood over her head. She walked back into the rest of the forest and continued to push away the twigs and bushes on her path. The fast crunch of dry leaves and running-like patterns in the pouring rain caused her to turn around and be immediately get slashed across her injured arm and pushed to the ground.

Her breathing hitched as she gripped her arm, looking at the blood that stained her sleeve and ripped fabric on the ground. Canada looked in front of her, a hooded figure loomed in front of her. The loss of light took away her ability to recognize the flag of the country or the features of the person.

As lightning struck, it gave her a moment to see their face. Green, white, and red flashed in a horizontal line with a symbol in the middle. She reqonized the large wings and spiked up tail, the deathly glare that she received sent shivers up her spine as she figured out who it was. And it made her feel horrible inside. To her, betrayal was worse than death.

"Mexico...How could you?" She whimpered in the rain, tears started streaming down her face as she scrambled to her feet. But he never responded, she could see it in his eyes that this was him. He was doing this by will, and that seemed to hurt more than her own reality.

Mexico didn't show any emotion, his eyes had a dark shine that seemed to stab right through her. Instead, he charged at her. Raising his hand that formed a scale-covered claw with nails as sharp as swords, his claw deepened in her cheek as he slid it across all the way to her mouth.

His tail wrapped around her neck ever so tightly as Canada desperately tried to ply it off of her, not wanting to hurt him. But, she gave up as she heard her own slow heartbeat. She stopped trying to get him off of her and resulted in the one thing she didn't want to do to him. 

She let her weakened hand grow white speckles of fur as she dug her painfully sharp nails into his tail. Feeling his grip on her loosen and fade, Canada dropped to her knees. Wiping the blood that trailed into her mouth, she looked up at Mexico. He looked right into her eyes that screamed heartbreak. But he didn't feel it back, he didn't care, but that wasn't him. But Canada didn't know that.

"Mexico...How could you?" She whimpered in the rain, tears started streaming down her face as she scrambled to her feet. But he never responded, she could see it in his eyes that this was him. He was doing this by will, and that seemed to hurt more than her own reality.

Mexico didn't show any emotion, his eyes had a dark shine that seemed to stab right through her. Instead, he charged at her. Raising his hand that formed a scale-covered claw with nails as sharp as swords, his claw deepened in her cheek as he slid it across all the way to her mouth.

His tail wrapped around her neck ever so tightly as Canada desperately tried to ply it off of her, not wanting to hurt him. But, she gave up as she heard her own slow heartbeat. She stopped trying to get him off of her and resulted in the one thing she didn't want to do to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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