Chapter Six. Saved

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A led bullet then collided with Canada's arm, she gripped her arm tightly and fell to her knees. She could hear the quick footsteps of someone coming to her so she looked for the nearest weapon, and it was her axe. She picked up her axe and struggled to get off the ground as she was then charged at. Bullets had only just missed her as the attacker pulled out two daggers that opened with the flick of his wrist. The attacker looked like a silhouette, but she could still make out who it was.

Horns had stuck out of an Ushanka Looking hat as the earflaps bounced against the attacker, blood-coloured eyes were the only colour Canada could see from him, he seemed to wear a long black coat with a lighter black turtle neck with grey jeans. He had men's high heels on and he wore red gloves with a grey chain on his belt.

As the attacker slowly became visible she could read the flag, blue, red and white in horizontal order. Canada held the handle with both of her hands as she put the axe in front of her to defend herself as Russia slammed the draggers against the handle of the axe, he had pushed but Canada pushed back. 

Canada soon backed away as she wasn't able to hold the position any longer, she re-gripped her axe waited as the best she could do was defend herself in this situation. Russia was thinking, he was thinking of something that Canada will never know. But it gave her a second to make a small plan.

She knew Russia was a demon, there had to be something about it in that book from her Uncles, Right?

She ran to her satchel and picked it up, she turned to Russia and said. "Au revoir." Before falling back and off the bridge. She expanded her only wing and positioned her tail in an attempt to slow her fall. Which kind of worked, it gave her enough time to find the smallest ledge on the side of the bridge so she risked the ability to have her hand or even using it and grabbed the ledge.

With the assumption she had limited time before falling into the water, she quickly opened her satchel and grabbed the book. She flipped through the pages with the help of the wind and after scanning quite a bit of the book she found what she was looking for.

'Demonic beings of power and temptation that were born by mistake or created by mistake are dangerous, stay far away from them if possible. If apon your self you wish to save them but they have great power, under a spell, a disability that makes this harder for them, or won't listen. Go to page 74 '

Canada went to page 74 and basically memorized everything she needed to.

'Demonic beings under spells can be dangerous or friendly if you have their consent to save them from a spell. Use a rats lie and a rose thorn to prick their finger and have the rats lie enter through the small hole. If they are dangerous and you can't get consent, use the flap of a crystal hummingbird to hold their entity. Though it won't kill them, it will cool the entity. To use the flap of the hummingbird, get their blood exposed to air first as have a drop hit the hummingbird to wake it. Then wrap the bird around the neck of the demon and once the bitterness enters the bird take the bird back. '

'The flap of a crystal humming bird'  Is a metaphor meaning truth and free will, though that's not what that means for this situation. She looked at the clear hummingbird that Mexico found and realized she was going to have to do this. This could kill her and it's all just to save Russia from ending her. Well, going down a hero is better than going down with a person behind your death.

She then put the book back in her satchel and looked for another ledge to grab, hoping to climb up. She didn't find one so she started hoping for the best and gripped the bridge, warming her hands so she would stick with the ability she had. And it worked, she was able to climb up and over the ledge. 

Russia who was looming over the other side of the bridge had turned to the sight of Canada sitting on the edge with her single wing spread out and her masculine antlers looking as if it was a silhouette. Her arm bleed faster than she has ever bleed before, but her adrenaline wouldn't let her realize it. 

"I thought you-"

"Ha, you wish." 

Canada shrugged and smirked before hopping onto the main part of the bridge and slowly walked to the ever so demonic entity that had wished for her life. "I don't mean harm-" but before she could finish her sentence, Russia's daggers sliced both of her hands as he pushed her agents the bridge. She had whimpered and finally felt the pain she was meant to feel but she still focused on saving him from both the entity that lived inside him and the spell that controlled him.

She pushed agents the force of Russia and in the few seconds she had, she removed the hummingbird necklace Mexico found and put it on Russia. Russia had froze, and the hummingbird made out of pure crystal flapped its wings once with the sparkle of moonlight and Russia was free.

His dark crimson eyes that meant harm had faded back into the ever so pure grey sugar colour it once was. The foul soul that had him kicked from his family left, he was back to being him. 

The crystallized Amber eyes and pure grey sugar met, without any words, they could tell none of them meant to harm, and with Canada still holding the string of the necklace and lost in his eyes. Their heads were only bits apart as their lips met, making a soft and memorable kiss.

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