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Muzan, Tamayo and I were currently walking on a path in the forest, minding our own business. Tamayo was the only one who felt comforted with me, since I gained her trust by letting her be a demon since she was in the brink of death. She got attacked by my brother minutes ago, so I managed to go find any remaining bodies to cure. Since I don't really eat humans a lot, I mostly drink the corpses of the demons to help me gain power. All I knew was that she was in the brink of death, to go kill the man who ruined her family to finally die in peace.

Me, Tamayo and Muzan were currently walking until we met a shadowed figure coming towards this way. He had hanafuda earrings, a shabby ponytail and a scar on his forehead. That's when my mind went blank.

He was a demon slayer. Muzan eyed his figure in grief, about to attack him. Until he slashed a bit of his body with ease.

Tamayo and I widened our eyes at his strength, but I still kept a poker face pretending not to be affected.

All of a sudden, Muzan bursted up in many fleshy pieces. The man had seven hearts and 5 brains, of course he would still survive.

The man then eyed at our figures. An emotionless twin brother and a girl sulking, they were both demons but somehow they weren't fighting.

"You could've killed him! He is not dead yet!" Tamayo then went on a rampage sulking in anger. She managed to rip some of her hair out due to how hard she gripped her head. Then she went running away from the demon slayer crying her eyes out. While I stood there piercing my gaze at his.

"Are you brothers?" He asked. I hummed in response. "Can you talk?" He questioned trying to find an explanation out his mouth. I then wrote on the floor drawing some kanjis to get his answer.

'I can't talk much, but let's say that I'm mostly mute,' The demon slayer then peaked his interest on the demon. 'I'm sorry about Muzan, he can be pretty big on killing people in his way,' I wrote again. 'My name is Y/N Kibitsuji' I then crouched up after finishing with the calligraphy on the floor.

"Ah, sorry my name is Yoriichi Tsugikuni, your apologies is accepted," Yoriichi calmly said. I then made a deck of hanafuda cards out of my creation. Yoriichi seemed confused on him making a deck of Hanafuda cards. I then crouched down to write.

'Use these as a weapon or decoration, they can be used to throw in the air to your opponent, it is made out of clear steel,' I then dusted some imaginary dust off my suit. "Thank you Y/N, I will take care of it." I nodded and flashed in the air. "What a kind demon,"


I was currently playing with the pond, seeing how long I can stare at its glistening appearance. "I wonder when Nii-San will come back to play with me."

Amber. (KnyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now