6 | Sabito and Makomo

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"Who are you?" A masked boy said pointing his wooden sword at me. I stared at him for a while with no sign of fear or worry. "He summoned me here, and I don't know why." I stated bluntly as I stared at the now knocked out body of Tanjiro sitting on the dirt floor. "You look pretty strange, aren't you a demon?" He said. I then placed my face looking at his now, "Demon or not, I'm still here to protect him, I don't mean any harm." I said as I lifted Tanjiro up and placed him on the tree stalk. "Makomo take him on now." He said as he drifted away in mist.

"Sorry about him, he is usually very tense around demons, don't worry though, I sense trust in you." A girl in a flowery Kimono said. She had a mask decorated in flowers and bright blue eyes. After minutes of chatting with each other, Tanjiro seemed to wake up on the spot. When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by red orbs piercing at his, flinching he shakily asked. "Are you Muzan's brother?" He said. The girl caught up on this and stared at me with concern, "I'm nothing like my brother, if I can tell you I don't kill for food, I dont create demons carelessly, instead I help the people who are in the brink of death and turn them into demons to see if they want to live on." I stated. The two looked amused at this and wanted to listen more, "Although I can't seem to stop the people from eating humans, I'm working on a way to stop them from eating." I said.

"Don't worry we understand," Tanjiro said. Makomo nodded and kept on, "Also who was that boy who knocked me out?" Tanjiro suddenly stated, "oh sorry about him, his name is Sabito while I am Makomo, we both love Master Urokodaki very much." She stated. They both aren't siblings, but are adopted children..

"I Makomo, will be teaching you the proper way of swordsmanship." She stated. Tanjiro listened on while I stayed there digging in to the information. Only to hear a very familiar voice, "Y/N, today I will be teaching you about Sun breathing...but please..just this once...I want you to kill your brother...even if you love him so much...you need to still kill him...if you want...you can both die as well to see each other in the aftermath...your brother has done many bad things...you must kill him before it's too late.."

My eyes widened a bit to here the voice, the question was why that voice sounded familiar. Why do I feel like I heard that voice before? Snapping out of it, I kept on listening to Makomo's advice. "Yes, I am planning to kill Muzan, even if he is still my brother, he hurt my dearest friend and hurt so much inside me, so why can't I kill him back?" I thought. Muzan can't read my mind, I have one chance to, but I need to choose wisely..


Walking around the forest, I then met the masked boy again standing in front of me. "Are you really Muzan's brother?" He said. "Muzan is my brother thank you." I hummed. He seemed shocked at me for a second, could it be perhaps that I'm his brother? Or is it because- "HOW DID YOU SAY MUZAN WITHOUT BEING KILLED WITH THE CURSE?!"

I shrugged tiredly and walked off passed him, "Is your name Sabito?" I stated. "Yes, Makomo must've told you." He said. "She did, but I knew way before." I said. He looked shocked and started questioning things in his mind which I was able to read, "I know you're questioning yourself now, so I will tell you." I said.

"I was there when your parents died." I stated. Immediately, he flinched and grabbed to my collar with fury. "Don't let emotions go within you, I didn't kill him, I have a brother remember?" I stated stoically. "Well how can I trust you!?" He shouted in my face. I got out of his grip easily and looked at him in the eye.

"I can't make you trust me, you need to trust yourself instead." I stated. He looked slightly confused at the sudden behaviour I was doing. "Have you seen a male in a white suit enter your house?" I said. He nodded, "does he always smile devilishly like me?" He shook his head hesitantly. "Have you seen an another pair red eyes behind him?" His face was filled in shock as he saw his memories go by inside him.


A male with red eyes watched the frail boy hide from his brother's appearance.

Without notice, he then came towards him, "Take my hand, I will get you to somewhere safe.." The figure said in a calm and loving voice. This made the boy feel like he is with mother, he carelessly took his hand as the figure took him deep in the forest away from the ambushed home. Teleporting their way to a different place, they were both now in front of a cabin built by wood.

"Stay here for now..this human will give you great care." It said as it knocked the door and then flashed out of existence.

The man was non other but master Urokodaki.

Flashback end...

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