8 | Hinokami Kagura

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---- warning: seductive behaviour 👁👅👁

Within the tall pine trees, two remain in the forest... One transparent and one visible, both in a stance that was once passed on long ago.


Time skip 2 months later-

My brother then finally had the chance to play along with me, or should I say gathering information instead. He recently felt frustrated ever since I gave him the news of Yoriichi's descendant 2 months ago.

He scrambled many lower moons to go seek out the blue spider lily in order to track down the descendant and kill them right on the spot. 'Oh if you weren't so dumb and all dear brother, you would have noticed I did the work in the end...'

Most of the lower moons were always 'replaced' while doing their quest to find the spider lily in time. Since no one has ever seen such a rare coloured flora hiding anywhere.

I was currently at the main stage of where the requested demons would mostly face their executions. Blood was splattered everywhere, smeared on the hay-knitted carpets and the corpses of the fellow demons were slowly turning to dust.

"They didn't follow brother's orders after all.." I thought.

A sound of footsteps appeared right behind me as I was faced with another pale face. "I see they didn't manage to seek for the spider lily." He stated. I took a nod in response as I snapped my fingers, ordering Nakime to clean the mess with just a flick of the strings.

"I'll get right back on you later brother, I promise." He then said as he flashed away from sight, leaving me alone with just Nakime sitting there like a statue. "He is going to break that promise isn't he Nakime?" I said. "I suppose so Y/N-Sama." She said.

Nakime was a great friend of mine since we technically have the same similarities. We were both like stoic dolls after all.

With a twang, I was then teleported back to Master Urokodaki's shed, where the first thing I saw was Tanjiro in a cloud-patterned Jinbei Kimono with a styled katana by his waist. His kimono matched his master's as his face showed an expression of nothing but confidence and determination. "If only I can feel that way..." I sighed.

He was trotting down the path towards the location filled of wisteria trees. I watched him from afar while standing on a tree branch, along with a dear companion that was sitting by the branch.

"You trained him well Y/N don't your think?" Yoriichi asked while I faced him. "Well without your help during my training, I suppose I wouldn't have taught him in the first place." I responded.

After all, it was only for him to fulfil his destiny..



Two standing in the arena surrounded by pine trees, one visible that could be seen from a mortal's eye while the other was transparent to be seen by the eyes of a friend.

I was holding a wooden blade twirling it around to warm up my reflexes for a few seconds.

I was holding a wooden blade twirling it around to warm up my reflexes for a few seconds

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(genshin impact animations are just too cool sorry 👁👅👁)

It was all then interrupted when a familiar voice was then heard. "Y/N! There you are!" Tanjiro said as he panted from how many runs he took before meeting you up here. "Welp, I think that's my cue, see ya later alligator~" Yoriichi stated before fading away.

"Sorry If I am interrupting your personal time, but can I ask you a favour?" He asked as I took a nod in response. "Please teach me Hinokami Kagura!" He quickly said as he kneeled straight down to his knees planting his head on the dirt floor. I grew amused by his actions as I took his chin to kneel him back up.

Oh boy he was all blushy-wushy when he faced you directly in the eyes. "No need to kneel, I am your apprentice after all..." I said as he warily nodded in return. "I accept your request Tanjiro Kamado..." I said as I took out a few hand crafted wooden blades from a basket.

"Sun breathing includes fluid techniques and precisely, a dance that contains a lot of exhaling." I explained. It was true that Sun Breathing was quite a deadly breathing technique since it was an overpowered combat technique.

Due to Sun Breathing being the strongest breathing technique of all, it also has its limits...

(Ahaha- manga at the red light district- bloody eyes and all that stuf)

"Take your stance here and move your hands here." I said as I moved his arms around to correct his stance. Which ended up being in a sort of awkward position. Tanjiro's back was pressed up against mine, my lower body nearing his and most importantly my face being close to his neck.


Tanjiro face was currently in a blushing mess as my face still expressionless didn't mind. But in the inside I'm secretly burning.

"Why are you shaking all of a sudden Tanjiro?" I questioned him. He was shaking furiously with his face beet red, I however too dense was all of a sudden in worry.

"Ah, sorry if I'm making you a bit comfortable Tanjiro." I said in concern as he choked in the air to notice how dense I am. "N-No worries, I'm not uncomfortable a-at all! Hehe!" He stuttered out.

Flashback end

"I just wonder how your so dense to even notice." Yoriichi stated smirking in wonder. "Oh please, it was all just an act" I stated.

"Forgotten how I'm such a good actor right?" I said.


aaaaa spicy stufffffff spicy stuffffff aaaaaa

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