7 | Yoriichi's lessons

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Days Later....

It was days since the truth was revealed to the masked boy, expected he was flabbergasted at the truth given to him. Yet, he still trained Tanjiro on with Makomo when time went on.

Muzan has been busy ever since I gave him news about the descendant escaping his slaughter alive, yet he was too stupid enough to see I gave Tanjiro another chance to live alongside with his sister. He was mostly taking on the study of finding a drug that can grant him the power of being immune of the sun..

As he was being busy around the fortress, I spent my time stalking my eyes onto the burgundy male seeing that he was still training his ass off along with Makomo teaching him the correct movements.

But I couldn't stop bugging myself when I hear whispers along my ears seeming like it's echoing around me. But I kept my mind steady and used my time on scavenging for demons to eat.

Until he came...


Walking by the bamboo forests as I was holding a handmade machete to cut down a few bamboo shoots requested by Tanjiro as his Master Urokodaki was making bamboo shoot soup for dinner.

(Not me actually craving for some)

As well as hunting some demons along the way so I could gain even more power to strive. Walking down the dirt paths, I felt an unfamiliar aura reeking upon the bamboo forest. It felt suspenseful yet strong as I also felt a weak presence coming along the way.

Until a human was then shoved out of the shackled bamboo forest covered in soot, gorey bite marks and massive scratches. The man's face was covered in desperation and shock as he looked incredibly traumatised. "I- must e-escape!" He stuttered out crawling on the floor slowly. That's when his two legs were found missing.

(lmao reminds me of some sort of Japanese urban legend don't you think)

I looked at him expressionless, yet the sight of his legs ripped out of him was quite disturbing in my sight. My ears then tingled a sensation of a eerie presence nearby, it had a strong aura giving the sense of blood. "Oho? Where do you think your going my breakfast?~" A voice called out as an Oni appeared out of the forest pouncing on the male in the air.

"How interesting, a challenger..."

The Oni was then blocked away by a shockwave, blasting him away from a figure in front of its eyes. "Hm? A demon...oh wait...I remember you!" The Oni said in glee. "Your that brother of that king hah!" It was only then responded with silence as vibrant ruby amber irises pierced its sight. "Not much of a talker hm? Well that doesn't matter cause you will grant me a lot of power!~" It cackled manically as it then pounced in the air.

"Sayanora you greedy b*tch-let."

As I then summoned out a talisman that written the words 'disintegrate' in Kanji writing to then by pierced on the Oni's head. The body then dropped to the ground as it then screamed a blood-curdling screech that awakened the birds to fly away.

The man behind me was soon about to die from blood loss as I then faced him with half-lidded eyes. He looked relieved yet was still shaking on the ground. I then gave out an offer of words to him...

"Hello mortal... I will give you two choices... choose one of these choices wisely..."

"The first choice is that do you want to become a demon?... You will be able to regenerate your legs back to stand back up again... but you will have the thirst of continuous hunger awaiting..."

"The second choice is that do want to move on to the afterlife... after all you are losing a lot of blood... so which will it be mortal?"

"I- count t-think of much l-less... b-but I choose t-to move on... m-my family is all d-dead so I should j-join them as well..." he says.

"Is that so?... Well done young mortal... you made the correct choice." I then watched him take his last breath as his eyes stood wide open in the puddle of blood. "It's a pity that humans need to go through this kind of hell.... how preposterous.."


I later then gave the man a proper burial near his ambushed shed alongside with the family within his body. I cleaned his cabin to wipe off all the blood that contained negative energy to keep the harmful spirits from harming the family..

"You made the right choice as well you know
Y/N..." A voice that felt familiar in my ears echoed as I flinched at the familiarity. "Master Yoriichi?" I stated as I then faced his transparent form. "Hello Y/N... now is not the time to chat though but you better deliver these bamboo shoots to your friend before they get infested.." he said. "Right thank you.." I gasped out taking my eyes off his form.

It has been many years ever since that day... but instead of resting above the clouds... you chose to descend here to visit me instead...


"Ah! Your back Y/N! Thanks for the help I wonder how I should pay you back?" He said gleefully as he then carried the huge sack of bamboo shoots lying by his back. I shook my head as I bowed down in respect before flashing away leaving the burgundy haired boy in silence. "Well that was awkward." He muttered out.

I then met by the place Yoriichi was in, he was staring at the moon in pity giving him memories of a brother he cherished so much. "Master Yoriichi?" I questioned stoically behind his back scaring him in the process. "Geez! I forgot how you would scare me like that every time you got to visit." He said flinching.

"Atleast your here.." I muttered out. "Hah? What was that?" He questioned. "Nothing you need to know.." He then noticed a faint pink dust along my face shining in the moonlight. "Ah? Y/N Kibutsuji blushing?~ Totally haven't seen you like this a hundred times." He teased smirking a bit as I growled in response.

( I think I made this boy act like that edgy yaksha in my other fanfic boi )

"Kidding kidding, anyways... The reason why I descended here was not just to visit you... but to teach you Hinokami Kagura (Sun Breathing)" he said. I looked at him in interest, "You are my trusted one yet you are destined to kill your brother... he was the one who made the murder happen after all." He said. "But how would I do that Master Yoriichi?... He loves me like I love him... I can't backstab my brother.." I said.

"Well, it's more important for the demons to be perished once and for all... so this generation can move on in peace..." he said. I was hesitant and I couldn't choose... before I then took on the idea that I wish I didn't take..

"Then I will kill myself alongside with my brother... so we can both have peace... even if it means descending to hell."

Yoriichi was taken back by my words, but was then soon restored with pride, "A wise choice made for a person like you... now... should we get started?" He said.

"Yes... for humanity to live again."


I am sorry for not posting for a while!!!
1257 words for payback for not posting for monthssss because of my lazy ass motivation drying out.

Anyways hope you enjoy!

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