2 | Tanjiro and Nezuko

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I was currently following my brother on a snowy mountain up high. He said something about the Kamado family being almost as similar as Yoriichi Tsugikuni. I mean he almost killed him, but I wonder how he is doing in the afterlife? I mean, I wonder if Tamayo-San is still alive after those years. "We're here Ito-to," Muzan stated.

There was a wooden cabin sitting there with no lights on. "Wait here for me Ito-to." He then slid the door open. Seeing a family sleeping peacefully, they started to wake up. Only to see a pair of crimson eyes by the door. "How sad...the Kamados will finally be instinct." Muzan then made claws appear at his hands.

I stared at the humans suddenly getting ripped off in gashes, what a messy style to be killed by my brother. Then all of a sudden, a girl all wounded up with marks fell on the snowy floor, dyeing it with red. The boy then was killed out cold from blood loss, as the girl continued to breath heavily.

"Nii-San..I can take care of this one for you," Muzan nodded at my request and disappeared in thin air. "Hello there, I will be giving you two chances if you want to live." The girl perked up at his appearance. Immediately trying to back away, "I'm sorry about my twin brother, we are siblings after all, I will give you two chances since your in the brink of dying." The girl's scared aura faded into a hesitant aura. "One, do you wish to become a demon? It will help you go through more of your life, but you will have the consequences of not being able to go in the sunlight and would be continuously hungry." I stated. "Two, you can die and join your family, but you wouldn't want to leave your brother all alone." Her eyes widened at his words. How did she know about her brother?


While I was currently walking up the mountain with Nii-San, I saw a burgundy haired boy with hanafuda earrings stopping at his track to meet a villager. "Tanjiro Kamado! Don't go out there in the night! Demons will come feast on you!" The villager shouted. "Don't worry old man Saburo! I have a scent of smell! Plus I can't leave my mom and sister all alone taking care of the family!" He shouted. "Don't go! You don't want to be eaten by demons don't you? I bet your family could keep their company safe!"

Flashback end.

"So what is your choice?" I asked. The girl seemed very hesitant about those words, but she decided to give in. "J-just make me t-turn into a demon..I want to p-protect Tanjiro.." She hoarsely said. The blood loss was starting to worsen her voice. "As you wish.." I then sunk my fingers inside her neck, making her scream painfully before blacking out. "Remember not to go out in the Sun, make sure to avoid demon slayers if you want to protect your brother."

Time skip

Tanjiro was currently on his way up the mountain to meet his family again. Only to scent a whiff of blood, his eyes widened and dropped his basket. He immediately ran to his cabin, only to be ambushed with bodies of his now dead family. Covered in blood.. He then ran to the door to see multiple bodies laying there lifeless. The scent of metallic drowned the whole atmosphere, Tanjiro then went up to Nezuko to check if her pulse is okay.

Her Pulse was still beating and her body was still warm. He then picked her up recklessly and started running down the mountain. Only to collapse off the mountain path.

Falling off, he luckily survived that 50 feet drop by landing on some fluffy snow. He then panicked to find his little sister now off his grasp. He then met with his sister growling in silence, twitching a bit. Tanjiro ran to her sister to see if she is okay, only to be met with fangs and cat slitted eyes staring at his figure. Pouncing on top of Tanjiro, he then grabbed a hatchet and blocked her attack in between her fangs. 'S-she is a demon!'

"Nezuko! I know your still in there please stay with me!" She then grew in size making the hatchet almost break. Tears were emerging in his eyes until, he felt wet drops at his. Nezuko fully got parts of her human side with her, she was still unstable with her sudden attacks. It all changed when a figure appeared in the sky.

Y/N Pov

I was sitting there by tree, seeing the two sulk at each other while screaming in despair and anger. "This feels like a drama show.." I muttered. "Seeing the two create drama at eachother seems like I'm finally seeing a real auditorium." Then the burgundy haired boy named Tanjiro snapped at his tracks when he saw his sister get skewered. "stoOOOOP!" He then dashed throwing pieces of random rock at him. Standing himself with a non existent axe, he then got knocked out by the hilt of the demon slayer's sword.

"Wait where is his hatchet?" He thought until the hatchet swinged in the air. Only to be catched by person. I then stared at his dark blue pupils with my amber orbs piercing at his. He flinched at my stare, 'Black hair with two locks in front, and crimson eyes.' He must be that one who is Muzan's twin brother!' I widened my eyes at him.

I then pointed at the demon, "Focus," I whispered. Then the demon went out of his grasp kicking the demon slayer out of his way, protecting the two of us. "It seems like she still remembers me," I thought.

Amber. (KnyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now