5 | Boulder

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Tanjiro was currently training with Master Urokodaki, until he then had nothing to train him. Leaving Tanjiro Dumbfounded, he looked at the boulder with rope and scripts covered around it. He then made his first attempt....which turned out to be a failure.
He then decided to train and try hitting the boulder multiple times, this has went on for months.

Meanwhile with Y/N

I was currently walking around the fortress to cure some boredom, the place was full of stairways and shoji doors. I was quite amazed to see Nakime using blood demon art to control the whole fortress with only a biwa in her hands. There were some demons who were moving away from my presence, they never knew Muzan had a little brother. But it did caution them from his aura to stay away from him, except for some demons along the way.

As I was walking along my way fidgeting with my Kitsune Mask, a voice boomed in front of me. Averting my gaze in front, there was a random demon standing in front of me with a group of demons behind him. "Who might you be?! You look like Muzan-Sama eh? That means you must be powerful to make us one as well!" The demons were nothing but greed. I stared at them stoically, but in the inside I felt nerving burns inside.

They all then started attacking me, these demons haven't even unlocked blood demon art yet. Not moving a single place, I then decided to activate that one spell Michael Jackson did to that lady in the alleyway scene. Fisting my hand, I then gaped it open. Then all the demons started screaming painfully, as their body then started to fidget. "A nice and slow death..for those who make disadvantage." I thought. Eventually all demons were then melted in flesh and blood, all the other demons around me started quivering in fear.

I then felt a proud gaze upon me, "Well done Itou-San." Muzan then appeared by jumping off a random staircase on top. All the demons were then frightened at Muzan's appearance. I hummed and nodded as a response, "Hello, as you may know now...I must warn you that you shouldn't underestimate my twin brother." All demons flinched and started apologizing fast. "Who told you all to speak?" Muzan ordered. The whole scene then flashed quiet, and started bowing. Sweating profusely, the biwa was then strung taking the both of us back to a room. "Alright Itou-San, you may continue on with your masks here alright? If anything is troubling you..please let me know." Muzan then teleported away. An idea went in my mind, I should make Tanjiro a mask.

Meanwhile with Tanjiro

He was then struggling on his training of hitting the boulder, until a loud voice interrupted his screaming. "SHUT UP!" A male voice boomed out loud. Standing on the rock, was a boy in an appearance of 13 wearing a fox mask and pinkish hair. "You don't look like a man...so make yourself a man!" He then started hitting Tanjiro with a wooden sword off his boulder, sending him a kick in Tanjiro's face. "Is it the right time for Y/N to be in the presence for me?" Tanjiro thought. He was then in a space where the unknown kid was dashing tree to tree. "Maybe yes. He then activated his hanafuda card."

A boy with black locks and red eyes appeared, suddenly he felt a hit coming for their way. Dodging it, he then saw his ancestor like friend being super aware of his attacks. "Isn't this his training? Why did he called me here?" He thought as he decided to watch the show.

Until, Tanjiro was the knocked out by the impact of his chin. "Isn't this just great?" I sighed.

Amber. (KnyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now