Uppermoon 0

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I was in the infinity fortress playing with my three masks in a room where Nii-San would experiment on liquids. The masks were mostly used in dramas which made me peak interest by a very young age. I had an illness that time, me and Nii-San wer born with red eyes and were known as to be a bad luck to a family.

Well that would be exceptional....since we used to be in the Ubayashiki family tree. The family carries on with curses and illnesses making the family tree cursed. No one knew why and how, but they were also with the relationship with a Ubayashiki clan.

A biwa was strung, sending Nii-San to teleport beside me while I kept examining the masks. "Oto-to, you can play with your masks later, please come with me to meet some visitors," Muzan said as I gave a nod.

The biwa was strung, to meet with a group of demons kneeling. "I would like to add a new person to the Kizuki," All heads perked up at their Master's response. "Meet my twin brother, take care of him well and he will be ranked at Uppermoon 0."

All heads peeked up to see me standing there, with a face like Muzan. My presence looked not that scary at all compared to my brother's. My eyes looked dim and my face looked stoic. "I will leave it to you Oto-to, if they cause trouble your allowed to kill them all at once," Muzan said whispering the last part to him.

He then left while I stood there observing the demons. "Hello there!~ I didn't know Muzan-Sama had a twin brother!~" a person with rainbow eyes said. I landed on the ground and got out a little kitsune mask and decided to paint with it to conceal its cracks. "Hm. Douma...it seems..like...he is mute.." A man with 6 eyes said.

I perked up at his appearance, he looked very familiar. Suddenly an appearance of Yoriichi appeared in my mind. I created a little hanafuda earring with my blood demon art and showed to to him swinging it.

All demons were shocked at him creating an object, but the man was shocked the most. "I- you- never mind..." he then decided to try and get the hanafuda earring out of his mind. "Ooh~ it seems like Y/N-kun can make objects!" I nodded at this and continued painting my kitsune.

"You like painting masks?" A demon with an obi wasted around her stomach while wearing some revealing clothes. I hummed as a response as I made a last stroke on the crack. "Why do you paint masks? Is it your hobby?" A demon with aligned tattoos all over his body suddenly asked.

I stood up and put it on for an explaination. All demons were confused at my behaviour, but it all changed when I changed it into a red Tengu mask. Shadow. A shadow of a figure like me appeared twitching vigorously, it was mangled and was hungry.

Clapping my hands in two, a biwa was strung and teleported a random man in his twenties. "W-where am I-" he got cut off by the shadowy figure of myself, killing the human by biting harshly at its shoulders. All demons widened their eyes in awe, seeing how much he could do in a little replica of himself.

Switching my mask to an Oni mask, I then opened my palm to the now dead human to create black dust at my palm to the male. Then a hand made out of black dust appeared pulling the human down into the darkness.

"Woah...You really kill these people violently yaknow? I like that man," A very skinny demon said with tattoos covering his face.

"I..see..so your masks possess abilities to kill people." The man with six eyes stated in interest. I then created a replica fan of Douma's, a bit of ice came out making Douma squeal.

"He can also mimick our blood demon arts aswell~" A deformed person came out of a pot staring at the sudden golden lotus fan.
"I see your starting to warm up with the uppermoons," all demons then faced with their master. "Ohayo Nii-San,"

"He can talk?!" All of the demons thought. "Yes he can talk sometimes." Muzan stated as Douma pouted a bit when Muzan read their minds.

"Now Oto-to, can you please seek what demon slayers are doing? Go find some humans to sink blood into," Muzan demanded making me nod. The biwa was then strung making me teleport to a different place.

"Ubayashiki," I was suddenly teleported to an estate. I then decided to visit my other brother for a bit o see how he was doing in his curse,

"Ah Y/N? Is that you?" Kagaya said as I made my way to sit by him. I hummed in response to keep his attention. Kagaya's wife then brang a tray of tea to make ourselves enjoy.

"Curse?" I said. Kagaya immediately saw through the word and smiled at his caring self. "Well, it's starting to get a bit worse, it has already reached my left eye causing myself to go blind. I hummed in response taking a sip of tea.

"How's Muzan doing?" Kagaya stated while refilling his tea. "Good," I simply said. "That's good to know, I was wondering if I could show you to the hashiras sometime," Kagaya said making me perk up. "Dont worry Y/N, I won't manage them to go rough on you too much," I sighed in relief.

I then decided to create a little hair ornament which had fake wisteria attached to it, I then pecked it on the side of his hair making him chuckle. "Thank you Y/N," Kagaya said as I hummed. I then decided to leave out the door to admire the garden. But somehow, I saw a white haired muscular guy with scars littered all of his body.

He was staring at a pond looking at his reflection in the middle of the night, as I hid my presence to only stare at his violet eyes curiously. So I decided to give him a greeting.

"Hi bitch"

Amber. (KnyxReader)Where stories live. Discover now