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Next day

Trinity Apartment :

Jimin's Pov :

It's was morning, I can feel that because the light of the sun was peeking through the curtains. I was trying to open my eyes but the warmness next to me was so nice that I can't open my eyes and kept snuggling into the warmness.

Then a small groan came, making me fully aware of who it was. So, I opened my eyes and was expecting to see a cute little face in front of me but ...instead of that, I was met with a pale white chest.

A pout appears on my face because I forgot to do some art on his chest last night and the memories from the last night also repeat in my mind, making me a little turned up by that.

So, without wasting any other seconds. .I rolled Yoongi to lay flat before climbing up to Yoongi's stomach, being careful not to hurt him or wake him up.

Damn his a heavy sleeper...

After examining Yoongi's upper proportion, I decided to mark my territory where it will be visible. Besides, he did the same to me as well, so revenge time.

I leaned closer and I can already smell the perfume he used last night and the scent of chocolate from lube was with him as well. My nose was brushing against the crook of his neck while I was tracing his face with my fingers.

It is such a rare scene to witness because Yoongi usually stays so in his character that he looks like a small baby when he sleeps. I kissed his collarbones and jaw before planting kisses down to his neck. I heard a small moan from his mouth that made me proud of myself.

After kissing, I started to suck and lick on his soft pale skin, instantly creating small bite marks on there. Red marks on the beautiful white skin.

I'm so proud of myself that I should pat my own back now!

But before I could go any further, my eyes drifted up to meet the dark orbs of the owner of these beautiful eyes.

Yoongi is awake...

"What are you doing, Angel?" His husky morning voice almost got me to moan at it but I hold myself back.

"Marking my property~" I send him a cheeky grin but he chuckled and swipes my hair back, exposing my forehead.

"When did you bought it? " I hum and pretend to thin before kissing him.

"Just now," Yoongi smirks and tilt his head to the left, giving me enough access to his neck.

"Then I think you need to mark more. People won't able to notice if you do it small." My face turns red because. ..it was freaking hot...

Damn it...Jimin! Calm down! You know that your boyfriend is hot!

"Okay~" as planned I started to bite onto his neck and earning a small moan along with his fingers slowly stroking my hairs. I was biting gently because I don't want to hurt him.

After a few bites, I leaned back to look at my beautiful artwork on his pale white upper area. Beautifully covered in red marks, making my eyes sparkle. I didn't notice that Yoongi was eying me with an unknown glaze in his eyes.

"I can feel your boner, pervert." Then my face turned red again. It was true that I got turned on by biting his neck.

"Just marking me and giving me hickeys gave you a boner, oh Jiminie. ..what am I going to do with you.." Yoongi laughs while caressing my face.

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