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Trinity Apartment :

Tae left this morning for his parents. They demanded to meet him and he had to run there before his flight takes off in the evening.

Jimin was kind of sad because he had a nice time with Tae these days and now he has to let him go again.

A few hours ago

"Promise me that you will call me when you will be free," Jimin asked while being sad but Tae pats Jimin's head like a kid.

"I will. And don't forget to kick his balls whenever he tries to do something bad." Tae said with a serious face which made Jimin laugh.

"Sure, sure. I will." Jimin laughs while patting Tae's chest.

"And try to get your man too. I bet he likes you back." Tae winks and Jimin's face turned red.

"S-Stop. ..that's ridiculous. ." Tae laughs out loud and grabs his bags.

"So, see ya soon, Jiminie." Tae hugs Jimin for the last time before stepping outside of the apartment. Jimin waves while smiling sadly at Tae who was doing the same.



Lullaby cafe :

Jimin sighs while staring at the cup filled with latte. He was in a cafe nearby the studio where he was going before stopping at this cafe.

He was bored that's why he decided to go and visit the boys but this cafe caught his eyes first. It's not a big cafe, just enough for few people to enjoy their time here with their loved ones.

A couple was sitting in front of his table and he saw how they look so good together, holding each other's hand and leaning against each other.

His eyes stir down to his left hand and the small silver ring shines on his fourth finger. He traces it and sighs again until the chair in front of his table got pulled out.

"This seat is not taken, is it?" Jimin shakes his head absent-mindedly before holding his cup to sip on to his latte.

His eyes drift to that person's hand and he scrunches his eyes to see a bracelet on his left wrist. That bracelet looks familiar to him. But then he shrugged it off because it can be common and popular, that's why other people might have it too.

He looks up to the person who was sitting in front of him and he almost choked on his drink.

That person looks up at Jimin and the same surprised expression appears on his face too.

"Park Jimin? " Jimin gulps down and tries to smile at the person.

"Hey, Hyung." Yoongi smiles back at the other who was nervous.

"What are you doing here? Never thought that I'll run into you like this." Usually, Yoongi doesn't start the conversation but since he's in a good mood, he started it anyway. Besides Jimin was looking a little surprised to see him anyway.

"I-uh...I was on my way to the studio.." Yoongi leans his chin on his left hand.

"Why? Did Namjoon called you?" Jimin shakes his head while holding the cup, tightly.

"No...just...I was bored." Yoongi let out a small chuckle.

"I see. We don't have much work left, so that's why we are going easy on ourselves." Before Jimin could react the waitress came to their table and served Yoongi's drink.

The waitress smiled and blushes when Yoongi smiled back at her which didn't miss Jimin's eyes and he pout.

"So, what you did during this off period?" Yoongi continues after the waitress went back and he settles his eyes on Jimin again.

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