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Moonlight Complex :

Seokjin was showing the photos from the last month's party where they went.

"And this is Mr.Kang, director of Kang food mill. You know him, right? We met him at our house party last year." Seokjin explains while swiping the pictures.

Namjoon nods while hugging Seokjin in his arms.

"And that's Mr.Peter; from our American branch. You know him, right?"Namjoon nods whether he knows some or not. He's just enjoying their alone time, nuzzling his nose in Seokjin's neck.

"Oh! This is ours!" Seokjin jumps slightly and shows it to Namjoon who bearly opened his eyes to look at their pictures.

"You looked very handsome that day. Don't try to look more good than that! People might steal you!" Seokjin pouts while sulking in Namjoon's lap.

"I won't. I'm not for sell, already taken by this pouting baby." Namjoon brushes his lips against Seokjin's neck, sending shivers down to his spine.

Seokjin blushes and clears his throat. He swiping the pictures to find more of theirs.

"Oh! Joonie!" Seokjin pats Namjoon's arm and makes him look at the picture

"This is Mr.Lee, remember him? We met him today!" Seokjin excitedly shows the picture  (literally shoving the phone to Namjoon's face).

"Yeah, yeah. I remember-" Namjoon stops in mid-sentence when someone else caught his eyes.

"Him.." He points at the man beside Mr.Lee which made Seokjin look at Namjoon with wonder.

"Him?" He asks and Namjoon frowns before grabbing the phone and zooms on the picture.

"Yeah! I know this boy! " Seokjin's face turns dark while pouting.

"How? One of your ex?" He asks being serious but Namjoon laughs it off.

"No, sweetie. He works for us. You know the vocalist I told you about. Honey toned boy?" Seokjin's eyes widen and a small gasp leaves his mouth.

"He is him?!" Seokjin asks and Namjoon nods being confused all of a sudden.

"That's an odd thing now." Seokjin taps his chin while thinking about something.

"What is it?"


"Jinie.." Seokjin sighs.

"Does Yoongi like this boy? I mean the vocalist?" Seokjin ask being obvious that something is wrong.

"Yeah, I mean they look okay. I guess so."

"Why?" A silence fell upon them as Seokjin stares at Namjoon with wide eyes.

"What is it, Jinie? "

"He's married. " Namjoon had a hard time absorbing those words.

"What? Come again?"

"Joonie, He's married to Mr.Lee! He's been married for two years from now!" Seokjin explains and Namjoon felt like his head is spinning like a merry-go-round.

"Wait...wait... you are saying he's married to him!" Namjoon points at Mr.Lee who looks much older than the boy.

"Yeah. Mr.Lee said he got married in a rush and the one who married him was a lot younger than him. Like four years or six...I can't remember." Namjoon gasps and covers his face with his hands.

"I assume he hasn't told this to you guys?" Seokjin rubs Namjoon's back while being concerned about his boyfriend.

"No...he hasn't said a word about him being married or any of these things," Namjoon mutters out the words, feeling deeply neglected and ignored by that information.

"Hey, can you do me a favor?" Seokjin asks softly, resting his cheek on Namjoon's shoulder.


"Don't tell any of these to Yoongi.  Not yet. Let him find out by himself and let the boy say it by himself. " Namjoon turns to Seokjin who looks at Namjoon as much hurt as he was.

"Okay.." Namjoon replies with a heavy heart and holds Seokjin's hands before rubbing them.

"Yoongi will be sad.." Seokjin whispers but loud enough to let Namjoon hear.



Trinity Apartment :

Jimin decided to sleep with Taehyung because Hyun-suk looks very tired and maybe asleep by now since he didn't open the door after coming back.

"Here you go,  extra pillows for you." Jimin drops the pillows on Taehyung who instantly snuggles to them.

"Thanks!" Taehyung grins and pats the space beside him. Jimin smiles before joining him.

Taehyung wraps his arms around Jimin and snuggles like a bear.

"Your old habit didn't die yet!" Jimin squeals while chuckling.

"Old habits don't die easily," Tae mumbles before inhaling Jimin's scent. He came out of the shower a few minutes ago.

"Minie. ." Tae whispers, Jimin hums while caressing Tae's hair.

"Are you happy with Hyun-suk? Does he hurt you?" Jimin pauses his action for a few seconds but continues again after releasing a deep sigh.

"I don't know... I have mixed feelings about it.." Tae pulls himself away from Jimin's embrace and stares at him.

"I'm serious here. Just answer honestly. .." Jimin closes his eyes as his lips tremble.

"I...I. ." Before Jimin could say anything his tears escape his eyes. Tae hugs the other and caresses his hair to calm him down.

"I...I tried...Tae. .I tried to like him...but..b-but I can't. ." Tae rubs Jimin's back while burying his nose into Jimin's soft hair.

"I understand, I understand," Tae whispers, trying to comfort his best friend.

"Just calm down now, okay? Let's calm down." Jimin nods and snuggles to Tae's chest before passing out in Tae's arm.



Hannam Complex :

Yoongi came back at midnight, looking wasted.

After running off from the hotel, he crashed at the nearby bar to have some more drinks before heading home since it was early.

He collapsed on the couch while holding his head which was throbbing like crazy.

"Fuck..I should've stopped. .." He groans and rolls on the couch while sighing.

While he was cursing at himself, he felt his phone was vibrating. With very difficulties, he fished out his phone and scrunches his eyes because of the brightness.

Who set this shit on phone anyway? It's okay in day time even though it's on 0% but how the fuck it gets so fucking bright at night? Like what the fuck is going on with these shits!

Yoongi taps on the messages and saw an unknown number texted him something.

00293***: can you meet me at this address at 5 pm? I need to talk to you about someone. Sorry, for being a bother.

Tap to get the address

"What the fuck..." Yoongi groans again and saves the address before passing out like a light.

He really should stop drinking.

  •   •   •


How's it going?????

Well, I hope everything is good!

So, yeah! See ya!!

Thanks for reading!!!

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