-Chapter Four-

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Jacks POV

After I hugged (y/n) for the final time, she softly wiped the tears from her delicate cheeks. She looked up at me again, and smiled once more. As she opened her mouth to say something I could literally feel my body practicality exploding in anticipation. But when I finally heard what she said, I had never felt so confused in my life.

"Thank you."

That was it, no goodbye, nothing. And with that she slowly closed her door, the smile still glued to her face.

"(Y/n), you're.... Different than most girls I've ever met... But why..?" I thought.

"Is something wrong...?"

Your POV

As you finally closed the door, You leaned your back against it and slowly slid down onto the ground, that stupid smile still planted on your face. You had never felt so ashamed and happy at the same time. "Am I really falling in love all over again..? We've only just met..."

You tried and tried to convince yourself that it was all just a misunderstanding, but as soon as you pictured Jacks signature smile in your head again, you realised that there was nothing you could do at this point anymore, it was too late to turn back.

Eventually you got up and went straight to your room, and jumped onto your bed. The majority of pillows and blankets fell off the bed due to the impact: but you didn't care. Michael didn't get home from work until Midnight tonight, you'd clean it up later.

As the time passed, you were distracted as you continued to text back and forth to Jack. Most of the time your conversations led to nowhere, and you mainly just spoke about nonsense. Suddenly the front door slammed shut, and you immediately froze in fear.

"No..." You whispered, straight afterwards checking the time on your phone. 12:05pm "Oh... Shit, no... No...!" You began to panic as you heard the footsteps pace around the living room. It stayed quiet for a few minutes before you heard a loud noise sounding like glass breaking coming from the outside.

Your bedroom door slammed open cracking the wall behind it, standing there was a VERY pissed off Michael. You had never seen him so angry before, and you knew... This wasn't going to end well.

"Would you mind telling me why this place... IS AN ABSOLUTE FUCKING DISGRACE?!!" He stomped over to you, kicking the bedside table out of the way.

"M-Michael... I-... I will clean R-right n-" you were interrupted as Michael's fist hit you across the face, falling to the floor in agony.

The look on his face told you he still wasn't satisfied. He began to kick you aggressively in the stomach and sides as you were on the floor, your helpless body now twitching in pain. "M-michael... Please... stop..." You pleaded out weakly. The pain was unbearable. Michael was a strong man, always was, and he didn't give you any mercy.

"Don't you DARE, talk back to me. Now get the FUCK UP!" He yelled, pulling you up by your long (h/c) hair. He dragged you to the living room and threw you onto the glass coffee table. As your head hit the corner of it, it cracked and seconds after completely smashed.

You couldn't feel a thing, your body laid there in the pile of broken glass. But for some reason, you felt warm, peaceful, happy. You didn't want to move from there, it was too comfortable. Michael was still of course screaming in the background but his voice was muffled, quiet, and you couldn't understand him in the slightest.

"Could this finally be...? My escape...?" You thought.

Your vision slowly started blur, eventually everything went completely black and you couldn't see a thing. Although you couldn't see or hear anything, you brain was functioning normally. And you could think perfectly fine. "(Y/n)! Get a hold of yourself, get up, and get the FUCK out of that place!" A voice said to you. "But... Where will I go? I have no one.." You replied.

Midnight kisses- Jacksepticeye x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now