-Chapter Six-

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Your POV

You awoke the next morning in bed, except... This wasn't your bed.
You immediately panicked as your eyes wandered around the unrecognisable room. As you turned to your left you saw Jack sleeping innocently next to you, he was facing towards you, and had the blanket covering the majority of his face. You couldn't help yourself but smile sweetly at him. As you sat up in the bed you felt an immediate pain in your left eye. "W-what the..?" You mumbled.

And that's when you remembered what happened last night.

"Shit." You whispered. "That Mother fucker punched me out cold..." You added, trying to hold in your laughter. No, it wasn't really a funny subject, but the concept of the whole situation amused you.
You laid back down in the bed and moved closer towards him, you took a hold of his arm and wrapped it around you. It was so comfortable. You didn't ever feel like budging from that spot, you felt so hidden, so warm, so... Protected. You moved even closer to him, placing a hand on his chest, and burying your head in his neck. "Jesus, someone's a heavy sleeper.." You thought with a laugh.

As you laid there next to Jacks warm, comforting body, you suddenly leaned upwards and kissed him softly on the cheek, Jack slowly opening his eyes afterwards. He looked at you for a solid 2-3 seconds before immediately jumping up. "Fucking Christ... You scared the shit out of me..." He said in a high pitched voice. "Oh... I'm sorry.." You replied with a sad expression on your face. "Oh, no... Don't worry about it, I just get scared easily.." Jack laid back down and took a good, closer look at you, before making a very concerned face. "Uh.... (Y/n)? You didn't happen to have black-eye before you came to mine last night... Did you?" He asked you rather reluctantly.

Your eyes widened at his question and you almost immediately jumped out of his bed and darted to the mirror he had in the corner of his room.

Jack was right... Your whole left eye was noticeably black and blue.

"Just great, like I didn't get enough of those from Michael." You thought. Jack got out of his bed and ran to you, hugging you from behind. "Listen, I am SO sorry... I would never EVER do something like that on purpose.. I would never hurt you intentionally, you know that, right?"

You knew Jack wasn't anything like Michael, quite the opposite really. You knew it was all just an accident, you weren't mad in the slightest.
You blushed as Jack put out his arms around your waist and held you tightly in place. "J-jack... It's.. It's okay, really. I understand, I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that! But hey... Guess what?" You asked, looking up at him. "What?" He responded, tilting his head slightly.

"It'll make a hell of a video!" You replied with a laugh.
"Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna upload a video of me punching you!!" He added. "Haha, good." You said, leaning upwards and kissing him on the lips once again. There was something about Jacks kisses, they were so much more enjoyable, and addictive than Michaels. "No, fuck Michael" you thought. "Jack is better in every way possible."

"So, did you want to go out today, so I can make up for what happened last night..?" Jack asked you, walking over to his wardrobe and grabbing out some clothes. "I'd love t-..." You stopped suddenly as you looked down at your phone, checking the time.

'9:56 am'

"Oh... Um, I just remembered that I actually have... Some, errands I need to do today... I'll talk to you sometime tonight though, promise!" You quickly responded, snatching your jacket and purse from the table and practically racing out the door.

Jack POV

"N-not even.. A goodbye.?" I asked, slumping down into my bed depressingly. "Busy again all day I assume.." My phone began to vibrate in my back pocket and I answered it almost immediately.

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