-Chapter Eighteen-

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"Mark? Who is 'Darkiplier'?"

"I'll tell you, if you promise to keep a secret"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Are you afraid of the dark?"

((Darkiplier POV))

I opened my eyes for the first time in years; finally I was awake. That stupid fool thought I would never be strong enough to take over his pathetic excuse for a body.
"What a joke." I snickered, looking around at my surroundings.

"Hmm, Mark really should decorate this place. It looks like shit."

It must have been late, luckily for me I had more of an advantage at night. And since this wasn't just an ordinary 'nightmare' anymore, I could finally make it a reality. I ran my fingers through my long, rough black hair before slowly pacing over towards the bedroom door. As I reached for the door handle I stopped in realisation. "Where is that sack of shit Jack?" I thought, my hand shaking over the door handle.

Jack was Sean's counterpart, however only few knew of his existence, she for one knew him very well...
Jack was very much like me, except he was a lot more twisted. I killed and hurt people for meaning, he preferred to go on a slaughtering spree. Any reason at all to kill or hurt anyone, Jack was automatically in.

"What a heartless bastard." I thought. "I liked the way he worked."

He also kept his name 'Jack', some people think he kept it because maybe he was the real Jack. His real name was Sean after all, what if he really was hiding it..?
I never seemed to ask him about it though, maybe it was because I didn't care, maybe it was because in the back of my mind I was scared... Who knows.

"I knew you'd miss me Dark. Couldn't keep your mind off me, could you?" A voice behind me hissed out sarcastically. I quickly turned my head to see Jack standing there, crossing his arms.

"Keep your fucking voice down... She's sleeping." I growled in annoyance. Jack simply rolled his eyes at me instead of replying. "On the count of three, I'm gonna slowly open the door, okay?" I said to him, placing my hand on the door handle. "Well, get on with it then." He replied.


With that I slowly cracked open the door to see inside, but it wasn't exactly what I was expecting. I immediately kicked the door aggressively open, it practically shattering against the wall as it hit it.
I stomped over to the bed to see it made up neatly, as if no one had slept in it for days. Without thinking I slammed my fist against the wall, producing a large hole in the drywall. I just stood there, growling.
"Nice going Dark, what a great plan this was." Jack snickered, rolling his eyes at me. "Hey, shitface... I don't see you coming up with s goddamn thing here, or ever. You HAD your chance to kill her, and you let her get away. So don't try and act like you've contributed any-..." I suddenly stopped in mid sentence, and my jaw dropped at what I saw.

"Hey fuckfaces, looking for something...?" She said with a smile, blowing a kiss at us both afterwards.

"Urgh, she was fucking gorgeous.. And so irresistible... It was a shame I had to tear that pretty face from her head." I thought, growling as I got a good look at her.

I wasn't going to let her get away, last time she did, she stabbed me in the hand with a fucking fork for Gods sake.

I jumped over the bed and ran towards her, she suddenly pulled something from behind her back and hit me aggressively across the head with it. I fell to the ground in pain, and saw her take off further into the house.
Jack kneeled down beside me and held out his hand. "Dude!! She just rekd you with a baseball bat!!" He yelled with a laugh. I took his hand and we both stood up, chasing after her.

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