Chapter 3

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Her phone had rung three more times in the past four hours. Once again it was left to go to voicemail. She knew before long the hospital would start contacting other next of kin to take care of the funeral arrangements. They were sure not going to question why she wasn't the one to make the arrangements, or to show up at the funeral if they didn't allow her to leave. She heard a loud argument from outside of the door that pulled her from her thoughts.
"She just needs to put her grandmother to rest!" She could hear Kol shouting. He was staying true to his word and trying to get Klaus to allow her to leave, at least for that.
"I will not allow her out of this house. I need her and I won't let your mistake cost me her power." Klaus growled.
"She doesn't have enough training to be able to do what you want her to do, and she is only a syphon. She doesn't have anything that she can draw that type of power from," Kol argued with him.
"Then I will turn her. She can draw the energy from herself then like other heretic." Klaus smirked as he knew Kol wouldn't like that. He had already seen the way that he watched her, he liked her.
"No, you can't just do that to her."
"And what are you going to do to stop me?" He started reaching for one of his siblings daggers that he kept in his jacket pocket. "Unless," he stopped, looking back at Kol. "You train her and teach her how to use the necklace."
"The necklace?" Kol questioned confused.
"The one that she wears around her neck. It's a family heirloom that houses the powers of every witch in her family that had passed before her," Klaus explains to him. He turned towards the door and unlocked it before stepping into the room where Rayne was already sitting on the bed facing them.
"Can I help you?" She questions them. No emotion showed on her face as she watched the two.
"I'm sure you heard what I was saying..." Klaus began to say before she cut him off.
"Yes I heard what you said. What do you need my powers for, what do you need me to do for you?" She stood and crossed her arms as she stared directly as Klaus.
Once again surprise but her actions, he studied her for a moment, wondering where she got the courage to talk to back to him like that. "You are the key to creating more of my kind. You possess the power to recreate the potion that created me and my siblings," once again she cut him off.
"But for me to recreate that potion, I need the blood of a doppelgänger, which to my understanding you still do not have after all these years." All she felt in the current moment was anger. He was keeping her from her grandmother just to he could create more vampires. She could feel a heat coming from her necklace as a strong breeze started to whip around the room.
"I do have a doppelgänger," Klaus told her as he moved closer to her. "I will arrange for the funeral director come here to allow you to arrange it. It will take place here so that Kol and I can ensure that you do not leave."
Rayne looked towards Kol who nodded to her slightly. Stand your ground when through her mind again. "You allow me to take care of this and I promise you, I will not try to run." The wind in the room continued at a steady pace.
"Well then, you have a deal," he told her as her turned, whispering something to Kol before leaving. Once Klaus was out of the room, the wind died down until it was completely gone. Whatever Klaus had told him caused him to clench his jaw and blush. After a moment, he took a deep breath before looking back towards Rayne.
"That was impressive, little witch," Kol told her, smirking. "Come with me, I think my sister should have some clothes that will fit you." He had moved beside her and placed a hand on her back to lead her out of the room. The rest of the house looked similar to the room she was kept in. Painting that where clearly painted by the same person hung around the halls. Kol lead her into another room and to the closet before opening it. "Go ahead and find a couple outfits."
"Won't your sister be needing her clothes?" She asked him.
"She won't miss just a few."
Rayne nodded as she started searching through the clothes, finding some jeans and t shirts in her size. "These will do," she told him. He nodded before leading her back to the bedroom.
"The bathroom is in here," he tells her as he opened one of the other doors to show her. "Anything you need should be in the cabinet under the sink and towels are in this closet." He looked towards Rayne; she was just standing at the entrance of the bathroom. "Is there anything else you need?"
"What did Klaus tell you before leaving?" she asked him. Once again his face went red, but she couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or anger.
"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with," he tells her. He moved to go around her to leave but she caught his arm.
"Wait... What will happen to me after I do what he wants?" She asks him. His eyes softened at her worry.
"I don't know, but I won't allow him to harm you. I will get you out of here if he plans that," his voice was soft and quiet as to not allow anyone else to hear what he was telling her. "Don't worry about that." He stepped away from her. "Go ahead and freshen up. I will bring your dinner up before long. Klaus is contacting the funeral home now so they should be here tomorrow so you can make the arrangements."
"Thank you," she tells him. He gave her a nod before leaving the room. She turned to look at the bathroom again. It looked to be larger than her bedroom back home. She  opened the cabinet to find what she would need to shower with and found a large variety of soaps, shampoos and conditioners. Once she found a kind that she preferred to use, she sat them on the shelf in shower and started the water, allowing it to adjust to a good temperature. She stripped from her closed before getting in and doing what she needed to do.
When she had finally finished her shower, she shut off the water and got out, seeing that the clothes that she had taken off were gone and a towel laid on the counter for her. Her face went red at the thought of someone coming into the bathroom while she was showering without her knowledge. She quickly wrapped the towel around her body as she went to choose an outfit to wear for the rest of the day, putting it on the bathroom counter before drying off and wrapping her hair with the towel before putting the clothes on. Kol was waiting in the bedroom, another plate of food sitting on the nightstand.
She didn't say anything about her clothes disappearing as she sat on the bed taking the plate of food. "Thank you," she told him once again.
He did the same thing as he had done earlier in the day. Silently sat and watched as she ate her food, and once she was done, he started with other questions.
"How old are you?" he asked her once she had sat the plate back down.
"I'm twenty-one," she tells him.
"Three years older than I was when I was turned," Kol said, not thinking of what thoughts it may put into Rayne's mind as she moved away from him slightly. A thick layer of nervousness settled over the room. Once Kol had noticed his mistake, he immediately started to apologize. "I did not mean it like that."
"Then what did you mean by it?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes, ready to protect herself if he were to try to do anything towards her.
"I was simply comparing our physical ages," he defended. She watched him closely, his body language telling her that he was being truthful. Once he saw her relax, he asked another question. "Was your grandmother the only family you had left?"
Her expression turned dark and once again a breeze started in the room. "No, the rest of my family wanted nothing to do with me since I was unable to perform magic in the way that they are able to. Not even my own mother wanted me." She didn't notice that Kol had moved beside her until she felt his hand on her shoulder.
"Calm down, love. You're probably not used to constantly having something with you to draw power from," he tells her.
She hadn't even noticed what she was doing until she mentioned something. She looked down as the necklace that she was wearing as the breeze disappeared again. "I didn't realize," she started to say but Kol excused it.
"Just because," he told her with a slight laugh. "No need to destroy the house yet." She looked at him, confused by the words that she had just said. All he did was smirk and put a finger to his lips so as to not say anything else about it. "I will return later so I can start training you on what you will have to do." A chill ran down her back had he stood, leaving her side. "Get some rest." He collected the plate and silverware before leaving the room once again.

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