Chapter 11

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Kol and Rayne laid in the bed, their two naked bodies barely covered by the blanket. Kol's arms were wrapped around Rayne, her body fitting perfectly against his chest. Kol was still asleep when Rayne woke up. His face was peaceful as she watched him. She started to kiss his chest lightly, causing him to shift in his sleep. "Kol," she said in a singsong tone as she traced the muscles on his chest and stomach. "Wake up."

He let out a grumble as he opened his eyes, smiling as he looked down at her. "You're up early my dear," he tells her as he loosened his hold on her waist so he was able to stretch.

"Hmm, or you are tired and worn out from last night," she teased him as she kissed his lips.

He let out a growl as he held her close and deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue in. He moved to start kissing her neck, biting gently every so often with dull teeth. Rayne arched her neck to allow him to continue easier. "I'll gladly continue now if you would like," he whispers in her ear.

* Warning for mature scene*

"I'm not going to object to that," she told him. He took the chance to roll on top of her, his hard cock grazing against her thigh. She grinned as she looked up at him. Kol moved his hand down between her legs and laid his thumb on her clit. She hummed with satisfaction against his lips as she moved her hips for more friction, wanting more than just his fingers. "Please."

Kol smirked at her as he lined himself up with her, entering her with a smooth thrust. Her eyes closed as she arched her back up, pressing her body against his as he continued a steady pace that was easily pleasing them both. Rayne's fingers dug into Kol's back as he buried his face against her neck, biting hard enough to leave marks that didn't quite fade as fast as they should. Rayne took the chance to flip the two of them over so she was on top, taking a second to adjust as she took the rest of his length. Kol hissed as she started moving her hips against his. She leaned down and started kissing his neck as he had done hers but when she went to bite, her fangs extended. She pulled back and covered her mouth in shock.

Kol looked up at her, confused as to why she had stopped. When he saw her covering her mouth, he grinned. "Don't be embarrassed, dear. It's natural, go ahead and bite me." Kol taunted her as he smirked. Kol bucked his hips up, causing her to fall forwards onto him. He grinned as he kept her on top of him, kissing her.

Rayne watched him for a moment, that thought of biting him sounding so appealing but she was unsure if she would hurt him. "It won't hurt me, love," Kol told her as if he was reading her mind.

She went back and started kissing his neck again, her hand playing with his hair as she continued to move her hips against his, enjoying the sounds she was able to make him make. She grazed her fangs over his skin before biting down. The sweet taste of his blood gave her a high and his moan only pushed her further.

Kol suddenly flipped the two of them over, taking control. His pace had quicked causing Rayne's moans to become louder. She was getting close and Kol could tell that. He was kissing along her neck when she started to call out his name. He smirked as he dug his fangs into her neck, causing her to cry out as he pushed her over the edge. Her orgasm triggered his, and they both rode out their high together.

*Scene over*

Kol laid down beside Rayne, pulling her body against his. His lips placed soft kisses across her body they finished coming off of their high.

"Hmm... I don't think I'll be able to get enough of you," Rayne muttered.

"Neither do I," Kol told her against her neck. Rayne grinned as she pulled him up so she could kiss him.

"We should probably get dressed," Rayne muttered as she looked at the clock that hung on the wall.

"I know, but can't we just stay here forever?" Kol whined. His accent made her melt but she wasn't a fan of the area, she preferred being back in New Orleans.

"But I need to learn to be around humans," she reminded him. "Anyways, we can annoy your siblings."

Kol grinned at her reasoning. She knew him too well. "Fine," he told her as he kissed her once more before he got out of bed and began to get dressed. Rayne grinned as she watched him for a moment before she also got up to get dressed. "Are you sure you want to go back today?"

"Yeah," she told him as she pulled her shirt over her head. "I don't like the mountains, I prefer towns, cities, New Orleans."

Kol nodded, already knowing her answer. "Alright, love," he said as he sat his bag down on the bed. "Here, I'll take your bag." Rayne handed her back to him as he disappeared, taking them to the car she guessed.

Just seconds later, Kol returned behind her, his arms around her waist and his chin laying on her shoulder. Rayne grinned as she kissed his cheek. "Have you tried again?" She asked him, referring to him trying to use his powers as he had not been able to use them since Klaus provoked him.

"No, I don't really care at the moment," he muttered as he rested his hands lightly on her stomach.

"Try something," She told him as she turned around to face him. She knew that he studied magic for years and wanted to see what he was able to do.

"Not now, my love. Let's get you back home," he told her as he kissed her forehead. She was confused as to why he didn't want to try it. She thought that he would be excited to have them back. Kol had led her out to the car and opened the door for her. Once she was in, he went around to the driver's seat and started the drive back to New Orleans.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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