Chapter 8

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Kol took Rayne to a very fancy restaurant when they had a wonderful meal and a great time. She was nowhere ready to return when she saw how late it had gotten when Kol mentioned it was time to leave. As they were walking out, he saw the disappointment on her face. "Don't worry my dear, as soon as tonight is over, I'll take you wherever you want to go," He told her as he stopped, and she turned to face him.

"Will he even let me go?" She asked him softly.

"He can't stop you from leaving, and there is nothing else you'll need to do for him," he told her as he kissed her forehead. Her heart fluttered as she leaned into his touch. "Come on now, let's not be late and make him and more mad." Rayne nodded as she followed him back to the car.

The ride back was quiet until they were just a couple miles from the house. Kol had reached into his pocket and pulled out a little clear vial with a cork stopper. "For the favor I asked a couple days ago," he said hopeful as he handed it to her.

"Okay," she said as she took it and hid it in one of her pockets. Shewanted to ask what he needed it for but she didn't have time to as they pulled in the driveway and knew that the others would hear her if she were to say anything. Clearly it was something he didn't want his siblings knowing about since he never said anything about it near them.

Kol opened the door to the passengers side and helped her out before leading her into the house. The clock struck midnight as they entered the front door and Klaus was waiting there for her. He sent a glare towards Kol. "Come one, we need to do this now," he told her. Rayne sighed as she followed him through the house and up to what had become her room. She had set everything up earlier that day and all she needed was the blood.

Klaus sat the bag of blood on the table before stepping away and watching Rayne. She stepped up to the table and looked over the spellbook once more to ensure that she had everything that she needed to be able to fully complete the potion. Once she was sure that she was, she started adding different ingredients while repeating an incantation that none of the others understood.

The lights flickered in the room as she started speaking louder. Klaus looked over at Elijah, skeptical about whether she would be able to perform the spell needed. The last thing to add was the doppelgangers blood. Klaus tensed as she grabbed one of the bags and tore it open before adding it to the mixture. The mixture started to boil as she continued, saying the spell louder, thunder clashed outside as it started to storm.

Rayne started to feel a pain in her head and she needed Klaus out of the room if she were going to be able to fill the vial for Kol. She started looking around frantically, trying to find a reason to get him to leave. "Bottle," she muttered.

Klaus nodded before he disappeared and she pulled out the vial, filling it up with the finished potion and shoving it back in her pocket just before Klaus returned, handing her the bottle for the rest of the potion to go into. She filled up the bottle with the remaining potion before capping it and setting it on the table in front of him.

"That is it?" He questioned her, skeptical.

"Yes, that it is," she told him, glaring at him before walking over to Kol.

"Just remember that I will be back if it is not," He threatened before walking towards the door.

Rayne took the chance that she thought that Klaus wasn't paying attention to her to slip the vial out of her pocket and hand it to Kol. Klaus stopped just before going through the door and glanced back at her.

"If you believe he has good intentions for that, then you're wrong. He'll use it on you so he can get his powers back. That is all he wants, he doesn't want you," Klaus tells her.

Rayne once again sent a glare in his direction , but he had already disappeared. She looked at Kol beside her. He was shaking his head.

"That is not why I want it."

"Ok, then why do you want it?" She asked him sternly.

He started to stutter and stumble over his words. "It is for you but-"

She cut him off, putting up her hand. "No more," she muttered as she walked over to the bed, picking her bag up from beside it and started packing.

"Ray, that's not the reason why I want it for you. I want you to use it when you are ready." He tells her, trying to get her to stay.

"And what if I don't ever want to use it? What if I don't have the same feelings for you that you think I do? Are you going to force me then?"

"No... You don't feel the same way?" His voice sounded as if it had lost hope.

"I don't know what I feel right now," she tells him as she walked by him to gather her grandmother's books.

"Don't leave," he begs her. "Please." She could see the pain she was causing him, but she didn't know what to do. She didn't know what to believe.

"Then please, let me be for a little while. Give me time to think," She told him as she closed her eyes. Kol nodded slightly before he left her room, allowing her time to think things through. She didn't even know where she would go if she were to leave.

She wasn't even sure who she could trust. Sitting on the bedside table was the vial that Kol had asked her to get him.

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