Chapter 6

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Rayne's consciousness wavered the whole car ride. At one point she heard Kol on the phone with someone who sounded angry. She tried to hold on to the little consciousness as long as she could but she was completely unconscious by the time they arrived at the house. No one else was back yet.

lol parked the car before getting Rayne out of the passenger seat and carrying her into the house and up to her room. He dropped her bag beside the bed before gently placing her on the bed. Feeling her forehead, he became even more worried. She felt as if her fever was even higher.

Kol left her side for just a moment to get a damp, cold cloth to lay on her forehead, to help cool her down. When he returned to her side, Klaus and Elijah had returned as well.

"What did you do?!" Klaus growled at his younger brother as he pulled him away from Rayne's side. She was completely unconscious and no longer waking up unlike before.

"She needed her thing if you were going to keep her here," Kol snapped at him.

"You took her out of the house?" Klaus was clearly enraged at his brother as he pushed him against the wall. "You could have killed her if she was out any longer."

"And why might that be?" Kol challenged him.

"Because I had a witch curse her so if she were to leave, this would happen," Klaus explains to him. He let his brother go before he disappeared in the house. His rage could be heard throughout the house.

Kol had moved back to the bed, sitting on the edge of it, wiping away the sweat that was forming on Rayne's forthead. Elijah said nothing as he left Kol with Rayne to calm Klaus and to have the witch return to see what was needed to allow her to recover. Kol noticed a soft glow that was coming from her necklace. "Your family is protecting you," he muttered as he moved some hair from her face.

Although Rayne was unable to answer to anyone in the physical world, she was having conversations with her grandmother in the metaphysical world. They were carrying on random conversations as they would when she were alive and well. To Rayne, it felt as if they had been talking for hours. Her grandmother looked away from her for a second as if she were listening to someone else talk. "Sunshine, it's time for you to go back. Remember what I always told you," her grandmother told her with a smile. She was about to say something back to her grandmother when everything faded from her vision and she opened her eyes to see Kol.

Kol had looked away from Rayne for a moment as Klaus returned with a middle aged woman. "You're lucky it didn't kill the child if she is unconscious." The woman said, not having looked at the girl in question yet.

"But it won't take long for her to recover will it?" Klaus asked her, wanting her to be able to do the spell during the upcoming full moon in three days.

"It depends on her strength," the woman said. She was setting items on the table in the room to prepare for what she needed to do.

Kol looked back at Rayne to realize that her eyes were open and she was looking at him. "Rayne?" He said softly as he laid a hand on her cheek. "You're awake."

All eyes were now on Rayne as she sat up looking at everyone confused. She didn't have any memory of what had happened after they left the house. "Did we not get my things?" she asked Kol.

"We did," he told her. "Do you not remember us going to get them?"

"No," She said as she shook her head. "I remember walking out of the door, nothing else."

"How is she awake?" Klaus demanded of the woman that was standing behind him. All eyes now turned towards the woman which Rayne recognized as her mother.

Their eyes met, one set filled with astonishment, the other filled with anger. "What are you doing here?" Rayne demanded.

"It's impossible, you're just a syphon," her mother said.

"What are you doing here?" She yelled this time, a strong breeze beginning to blow in the room.

"I was the one to place the curse on you to prevent you from leaving," she choked out her words.

"How is she awake?" Klaus once again yelled at her.

"She... She's much stronger that I am. Her powers and will were able to overcome the curse I placed on her," her mother told him.

"Get out," Rayne said lowly. The weather outside started to turn dark, storm clouds began rolling in from the ocean.

"Ray, calm down," Kol said as he tried to turn her attention away from her mother.

She could see that her mother was saying something but couldn't hear it. With a single motion of her hand, her mother was thrown from the room along with all of her things and the door slammed shut and locked. "Why did you bring her here?!" she yelled at Klaus. Thunder roared outside as is started to hail.

"I needed to make sure that you remained here," he growled back at her. Rayne stood from the bed, nothing indicating that she had just been deathly ill.

"I gave you my word that I would not run. I have not tried once to do so. There was no reason for that," she continued to glare at him, a pained look starting to show on his face even though he tried to hide it.

"I kept you locked in here, you couldn't escape," he grumbled through the pain.

"You think I couldn't unlock the door from in here. You clearly know I'm strong enough to do what you need but didn't believe that I am strong enough to undo a simple lock."

Klaus cried out from the pain that she was enflicking on him, holding his head with his head as he felt as if it might explode. Elijah now stood in front of Rayne, trying to talk to her and stop what she was doing, but her anger was still focused on Klaus. She brought her hand up and placed it on Elijah's chest and the moment it touched, he went flying backways into the wall. Kol had wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back to the bed, trying to turn her attention to him instead of the anger. But the screams from Klaus only got louder. The room went completely silent as Kol took a chance and kissed her. Klaus was lying unconscious on the ground and Elijah watched the two in amazement from where he laid. The hail stopped but it continued to rain lightly outside.

Once Kol had pulled away he looked at the girl that he held in his lap. "Rayne, are you okay?" He asked softly as not to scare her too much.

Her hand was holding onto his shirt as she was trying to catch her breath. She looked very exhausted as she gave him a slight nod.

Once Elijah had recovered from what she had done to him, he stood and walked over to them. "I'll take him to his room," Elijah told the two as he picked Klaus up, carrying him over his shoulder. He went to leave the room but only to find the door lock. "Um... Rayne," he didn't want to bother her anymore, but he had to in order to be able to leave.

She didn't even move and the click of the door unlocking sounded throughout the room. Elijah disappeared, leaving to two alone. Rayne relaxed in Kol's arms as she laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Do you want to talk about that?" He asked her, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

"You were just trying to distract me," she muttered, her cheeks turning red.

"Yet you are still sitting in my lap," he teases lightly.

"Would you rather I move?" she challenged as she yawned.

Kol's arms locked gently around her waist. "Not unless you want to," he told her softly. She didn't say anything as she remained in his arms.

"Klaus is going to be pissed," she muttered.

"Maybe," Kol said as he laid back on the bed, allowing her to get comfortable to rest. "But he'll be too afraid to do anything. No other witch has don't that to him before." Rayne only nodded as she curled up at his side, close to falling asleep. "The full moon is in just a couple days, that's when you'll do the spell for the potion. Would you be able to do something for me dear?" Rayne looked at him, waiting for the request. "Set aside a small vial of the potion for me."

"I'll see what I can do," she told him softly as she closed her eyes, wondering what he might need it for. She yawned once again, closing her eyes as she did so and soon fell asleep.

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