Chapter 5

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Rayne was woken early the next morning by Kol. "The funeral director will be here in an hour," he told her as he sat on the edge of the bed, placing a plate of breakfast food on the nightstand. She let out a groan as she turned over and tried to pull the blanket over her head. "Rayne, I know you didn't get much sleep but I promise that you can after." Kol had tugged on the blanket, pulling it down so he could see her face. The look on her face broke his heart. He knew that today would be hard for her but didn't know what he could do to make it easier for her.

"Fine," she muttered as she sat up, looking over at the plate. "Who makes the food?"

"I do," he tells her.

"Well you are a very good cook," she tells him as she took the plate of food so she could eat.

"Well thank you my lady," he tells her with a goofy grin. She had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing while she had food in her mouth. "What do you find so funny about that?"

She finished what she currently had in her mouth before telling him. "It's just because of how you are so proper with some things," she tells him.

"Well that was how I was raised," he tells her. She grinned as she finished eating her breakfast and sat the plate back down.

"Is there anything that you would like to ask me today?" she asks him.

"Hm... there are so many questions..." he trails off. "Let's wait until after the meeting. You should get ready anyways." He stood, taking the plate. "I'll be back in a few, do what you need to do." He left the room, the door not locking this time when it shut.

Rayne got out of bed and went over to the dresser where she had put her clothes that she was borrowing from Rebekah and got a change of clothes before going to shower. She didn't take a very long one as she hadn't done much since her shower yesterday but her hair had become greasy from some stress.

After finishing her shower, she dried off and put the new outfit on before leaving the bathroom. Kol had opened the door just as she did and waved for her to follow him. In the hallway, Kol stopped her and leaned in to whisper something to her. "Klaus will be leaving after the meeting and I will take you to get your things afterwards." His voice was so quiet that she almost didn't hear him. Once he pulled back, he put his finger to his lips to indicate not to say anything. She nodded back to him and they began walking to the dining room once again.

"Ms. Lambert, it's good to finally meet with you," The director said once they were in the dining room with him. "Your brother in law explained to me that you have been remaining here with your fiance since your wreck and news of your grandmother's passing. It's good to be around supporting people in times such as these."

Both Kol and Rayne's faces went red after hearing what Klaus had told him. "Uh... Yes, it has been," she told him as they sat down at the table, pulling Kol to sit beside her.

Their discussion on everything took a couple hours as there were no plans on file with the funeral home in advance, her grandmother always told her that she would know what to do when it came time. The viewing would take place at the Mikaelson's home and afterwards be taken to their family cemetery to be put to rest. The decisions came natural for the casket and flowers and once they were finished, the funeral directly left satisfied.

Once he left, Klaus made his appearance. "Elijah and I are leaving to get what is needed. Do not allow her out of the house," he told Kol.

"You worry too much brother, she won't leave my sight," Kol told him as he rolled his eyes.

Klaus looked at him suspiciously before he turned to another male that Rayne had never seen before. "Lets go so we can return and prevent any mistakes on his part," Klaus said. Before she could blink, both men had disappeared from her sight.

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