Chapter 9

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Rayne hadn't spoken to Kol or Klaus for three days. Elijah and Rebekah were the ones to check on her and bring her food. And the food had become take out rather than the home-cooked food that Kol had typically cooked for her. Each day that passed that she didn't see or hear from Kol only made that ache in her chest worsen. She wanted to know that he was alright.

It was about time for dinner and Rayne was hoping that Rebekah would be the one to bring her food tonight. The two girls had become close over the last few days, Rebekah constantly trying to get Rayne to go out with her although she wasn't much of a people person, and was afraid of what may happen if someone were to anger her and she was unable to control her magic.

Rayne was sat on the bed, playing with the small vial of the potion that Kol had left in her room. She guessed it was him trying to get her to trust him, showing that he wasn't planning on using it on her. She looked up when she heard the door open and Rebekah walked in with her dinner. She set it down on the table for her. "Is there anything else you would like?" She asked Rayne, sensing there was something she wanted to ask her.

"Is he alright?" Rayne asked her as she laid the vial on the nightstand.

"Are you sure you want the truth?" Rebekah asks her. Rayne gave her a nod causing her to sigh. "He's not doing good at all. I don't believe he has fed in almost a week now and he has barely left his room."

The ache in her chest increased once again. "I want to see him," she tells Rebekah.

"Are you sure, he's not-" She couldn't even finish what she was trying to say before Kol was walking through the doorway towards Rayne.

She knew immediately that Kol had been listening to her, waiting for her to say the words. She stood to talk to him but before she could get any words out, he pulled her close to him by her waist and kissed her deeply. She was surprised at first but it didn't stop her from kissing him back. She was first to pull away, needing to take a breath. "Kol," she muttered as she laid a hand on his chest.

"You feel it, don't you?" he asked her softly. She nodded in response but hesitated as she noticed how dark his eyes were.

"Your eyes," she muttered, reaching up to touch the dark veins that kept appearing and disappearing. The smile that was on Kol's face disappeared as he went to pull away from Rayne.

"I'm sorry," he muttered. Rayne shook her head as she held onto his shirt and reached for his hand.

"Don't be sorry," she told him. "It's who you are and you can't change that."

Kol nodded as he wrapped her arms back around her, hugging her. "I need to go feed," he tells her. "Will you be here when I return?"

"Of course I will Kol," she tells him as she gives him another kiss. Although she could completely feel what he was feeling, she still had the feeling in her chest.

Kol kissed her back before he disappeared from her arms, leaving her in the room with just Rebekah. "You're planning something," she pointed out.

"So what if I am?" Rayne questioned her.

"Don't go and get yourself hurt Ray," Rebekah told her as she left the room, allowing Rayne to eat in peace.

She sat at the table, eating her dinner. Her eyes kept wandering over to the vial on her nightstand. Something within her kept telling her to take it. She finished her dinner and walked back over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, picking up the vial. As she was looking at it, many emotions went through her, causing her to be under whether she should take it or not. She was still staring at it when Kol returned to her room. She didn't see him enter, only felt his presence when he sat down beside her.

Kol was quiet as he let her stay in her own thoughts for a moment. Rayne sighed as she opened the drawer to the nightstand and put it in the drawer for safekeeping.

"You keep it, use it when you are ready if you even ever are. I don't want you to think that I would ever try to force it on you," Kol told her, softly.

Rayne smiled as she nodded. "I know I shouldn't have let him get in my head like that," she said as she looked down.

"Don't blame yourself, he has a way of manipulating people," Kol explained. Rayne just nodded as she wrapped her arms around Kol and moved into his lap. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her and laid back on the bed. "Just your touch makes me so much happier."

Rayne couldn't help but blush as she buried her face into his shoulder to hide it. As she laid there her mind kept wandering back to the vial in the drawer. Eventually, she turned her head to face Kol. "Kol," she said softly.

"Yes, my love?" he said as he turned to her kissing her forehead.

"I think I want to do it," she told him. "I think I want to... become like you."

Kol looked at her both confused and surprised. "You don't have to do that just for me," he told her.

"But it's not for you, there's something that has been drawing me to do it for the past couple of days," she explained to him.

"Ray, are you absolutely positive about this?" he asked her.

"I... I think so," she told him.

Kol shook his head. "I don't think you should do it until you can answer that with a yes. You need to be positive that this is what you want because there is no going back afterward."

Rayne nodded, understanding what he meant, but it didn't change what she was feeling. She knew what the potion would do and what had to happen once she took it. Something in her still told her that she needed to. "I'm getting tired," she tells him as she laid her head back on his shoulder.

"Go ahead and fall asleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

She smiled as she pulled one of the blankets over her and curled up against him, his arms resting securely around her waist. She had started to fall asleep, at some point hearing some come in and take the plate from the table. Kol never left her side as she fell asleep and slept through the night.

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