chapter 5:served the Justice

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After that day dixie wouldn't stop asking me if that was true . And I always say yes and just repeating it to her

It's just like a one night stand coz I'm just totally kidding when I said that I'm with Jacob

I met this boy in school he have Brown eyes and hair , tall maybe 6'1 and I'm 5'8 . He plays basketball and volleyball. I Also play volleyball . We kinda get along but we're in different groups of the school . Im in groups 1 . *It's the surname that starts WITH A,B,C,D,E,F,G, *
and he's in group 2
*group 2 WITH H,I,J,K,L,M,N*

Meghan called me and ask me something

Meghan:mia you're a lawyer right ?

Mia: yeah why ?

Meghan: the Dutchberg family murder case is getting closed

*That's the american royal family which I came from *

Meghan: they said there's no lead to the suspect so they will closed it . Can you help ?

When I heard that I closed my fist coz of anger

Mia:I'll take the case

I have alot of suspect coz I've been studying that case for years .I'll serve justice to to my family .

My sister,mary (8) died in that place while they kill autumn (4) in front of verner (7) and shot my 8 month old little , arthur in the head

They're not the target that day . That target is me , samantha and catherine . My theory is they want to kill all the girls coz they want to let's the boys be the king

They're way too young to die .

Flash back (2006)

Samantha's pov

Im playing with autumn then I saw the guards let a lot of guys in black shirt and for a second I thought nothing about it . But then I saw a gun in the other guys pocket

I immediately picked autumn up then I'm just about to pick Artur up but it's too late . They have already shot A 8 MONTH OLD CHILD THAT DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING I screamed in terror and then I saw James running to go check whats happening just then I screamed "RUN RUN JAMES RUN " we both sprinted like there's no tomorrow the there's a rain of bullets following us .

I gave autumm to verner and he is gonna find mary . I got I'm my hiding place *which is under ground* and all I could hear is screaming from my siblings and gunshots .

I immediately call 9-1-1 and the papa marc

Samantha: papa pls help us

Marc: uh what's going on sammy ?

Samantha : they - they killed arthur and I trying to kill everyone in the house

Marc : ok ok I'll be there did you call the cops ?

Samantha: yes yes I did .

I said in terror then I saw james going in my hiding spot with blood all over him . And he's crying

Samantha : what - what happened ?

James: I - I-

He said stuttering as I knew he was trumatize

Samantha:james calm down . Ok we'll be safe . Where autumn , mary and verner ?

James: *sign in asl "theyre dead . Shhhh I hear footsteps " *

I quietly sobs then gunshots were fired down to us

Well thank god the hiding place is made to be bullet proof

But we still go under the table

The after about a minute it stop just when I hear the running away then the police sirens

I hear a knock . I know that it's probably mia or catherine bit I don't want to open it coz maybe they don't go .

Like it's just a


For us to be killed

Catherine's pov:

I got in the gate and the first thing I saw is my 8 month old brother's body . Shot in the head then mia started to pick his lifeless little body

Mia screamed out of pain and sadness *but she's not crying *

I got in the house and its so quiet . Then I saw a puddle of blood from the body of mary I from the top stairs screamed in shocked that this sweet little girl is shot to death

Mia's pov :

I was hugging arthur that left his cold blood to be in my white p.e shirt. I don't want to let go of him but I need to

I wanna kill the person that this this to him .

I promise to myself that I'll do the same thing to the person who did this to him

I let go of my little brother's lifeless body then walk inside the house

I saw catherine holding mary in he arms crying

Catherine: shes - she's de-dead , mi- mia

I might be the 2nd child but I'm much mature , responsible and emotionless than catherine

I patt her head like I always did everytime I come home

Then I look for samantha , James , autumm and verner

I walk in the nursery where I remember the hiding spot of autumm

I walk in the closet to the hidding spot

There I saw my sister . MY 4 YEAR OLD SISTER DEAD WITH OPEN EYES . For the first time in my life I cried because someone had died .

I hugged her and picked her up then Dixie walk in and when she sees autumn

She burst out crying

Her best friend and a sister like kid to her is now just a cold lifeless body

I bring autumn out of the room while dixie followed us

Then moony *Heidi* saw me carrying her then she broke down crying .

She do the hands to let me know she wanna hold my sister

I give autumn to her then went back upstairs

I go to the attic just there . I saw verner holding the locket I give him when he was 5 .

I burts out crying again and I again I promise to him and myself that I'm gonna give them justice when I grew up

Catherine's pov

Im currently looking for samatha and James wishing and praying that they weren't dead

I knock on samathas hiding place but no answer .

I do it again then

Said something in the magic language as we call it * it's basically just spanish*

"abre la maldita puerta samantha"

*Open the goddamn door samantha *

Then it opened I cry happy tears as I thought that they were dead but it turns out . Im wrong

Thx for reading ily guys . Imma be updating everyday if I can
Bye love ya 💕


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