chapter 10 : why do you care

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I last thing remember is meghan screaming for the doctors

I opened my eyes but there's no one there

This feeling suddenly remind of  the time when I got a accident miscarage


Feb 27 2016

I feel so sick these past few days .
Idk wtf is happening to me
But I don't want to tell mom coz she never take care of me when I'm sick

She's just going to yell at me

So I call my boyfriend ,nicky

Phone call


Babe can you bring me some meds pls . I don't feel good lately

Yeah yeah sure . ASAP ?

Yes sir

Ok baby I'll be there soon . Maybe umm your time of the month again ?

Holy shit . I haven't have my period for 2-3 months now

Umm no but buy a pregnancy test too pls


a pregnancy test
I said calmly

Ok ok sorry I'm just shocked

Ok babe . Bye be careful .Ily

Ilyt baby girl

End phone call

Im scared . What if I'm pregnant . No I'm so Young to have a kid

I go to my bathroom to look in the mirror and lift my Shirt up . Just above my belly

Then I patt it

"Hi who ever Is in there " I said talking to my belly

Then I realized I have a little bump

"Yeah I'm definitely pregnant " I said talking to myself

I ran downstairs to get my keys but before I step out of the house I got a call from nicky

Phone call
Um is this ms.margaret damelio ??

Um yeah why do you have my boyfriend's phone ?

He got into a car accident and he's currently in his way to connecticut state hospital

Just then I drop to the floor
Everything is on slow mo

Then I hear someone asking if I'm ok

I replied with "yeah I am "

The the phone call ended

After a few minutes of my family trying to talk to me

Dad got a phone call

"Hello ? "

"A WHAT ? "

"Ok ok we're coming there "

I guess he also got a phone call

"Mia get up . We need to see him "
He said pulling me up

"Wat the hell is happening ?" Charli said as she was so confused

"Nicky got into a car accident " dad replied

"A WHAT" mom dixie and charli asked 

Dad just ignored them .

Then we rushed to the hospital

We got into the hospital I ran to the front desk and asked

"Nicky Timothy Gray pls "

*Ok ok I said "we used our uncle's surname " I meant to say my boyfriend's surname . Lol sorry *

"Umm what are you to him " the lady asked

"His girlfriend and the mother of his child "  I said completely forgotting about mom and dad

"Oh ok . Room 389 " she responded

I just ran as fast as I could to his room

But when I walk in the only thing I saw is his life less body .

Then I felt his mother slaps


"I-im s-so sorry " I replied

"If-if i-i kno-know thi-this is going to happend I -i wouldn't let him go " I then said

"BUT YOU STILL DID " Shouted back

"DON'T SHOUT AT MY KID " moony said *mom*

She stops yelling but after a few minutes . Just second when I stand up I felt a punch in my stomach

His brother, khyro just punched me

Then Dixie said as I was curl up into a ball on the Floor

"Mi-mia y-you-youre b-bleeding "
Dixie said

That's when it hit me . Im really pregnant

Then a sharp pain in my stomach that let out a scream

My mom and dad came running through the door and saw me

On the floor



And in pain


"What - what happened ? "
Moony said

"Khyro pu-punched her in the stomach " charli replied

Khyro just ran out of the room

"Are- are you ?" Moony said

I just nod as I know what she's talking about

Then the doctor came in

"A girl about 3-4 months pregnant " Dixie said

She knew the last time I have my period is on Nov last year

They put me on a stretcher and bring me to another room

A few hours later

The door to came in and said

"We're so sorry about your loss"
The doctor said .

Wait hold up

I know him from somewhere

Ok but like where

Then the words hit me .

"Does the baby die ?" I asked as I was at the urge of crying

"Yes" he replied

That one word and 3 letter kill me on the inside

I just cried as I couldn't hold it back anymore

"It's ok . He or she is with he/her father in heaven now " mom said

"Is it a g-girl or a b-bo-boy ". Asked

"A girl " the doctor replied

"What is her name going to be ?"the doctor asked

"Naelie " *nay-li* I replied

"Ok I'm going to leave and give you some time " he said

End flashback

Lol hi . Thx for reading .Ily

                            -mia 💕❤️

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