chapter 12: secrets

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"nvm . Let's go " I said then pull his arm physically like how he pulled me a few hours ago

But I forget . I'm older and much stronger

And that pull almost made him fall .



Then he fucking fall

I laughed histerically

"What the fuck .MARGARET !!!" my brother said

"Sorry . Hahahahahah " I said as I'm still laughing

All the happy laugh change once I saw a camera/photographer hiding and taking pics of us

I don't mind them but I'm just imagining what the front page of newspapers tommorow would be

So I'm ik princeton isn't in england so lemme switch her school to university of london and cambridge :)

Dixie's pov:
It's been five minutes . Should I flip it now .
I'm scared
I flip the pregnancy test and it's positive

I started to cry bcoz I know I can't raise this baby

Someone knocked on my door and sure enough it's meghan

She said " what are you crying , pixie dust ?"

"I- I'm pregnant " I said

Her reaction goes shocked and disappointed

"I-i should abort " I said

"Fuck no ! " She yells

"But- I-" I got cut off by a slap on my face

"You're fucking SCREAMING . I've been trying to wake you up for a few minutes but you won't woke up so I have no choice " charli quickly defended herself

"Yeah it's ok " I said then hug her tight

"You good dixie " my little sister ask

"Yeah " I ask

"What are you dreaming about ?" She ask

"I dunno . I found out I was pregnant " I said

"Oh shit I forgot you've already lost your virginity " she said with a small smile

"Where's mia ?" I ask

"She's in court . I think " she said

I nod

"Hey you guys . Wanna eat ?" Martins ask

"Sure " we both said

Mia's pov:

I'm with james rn

We walk from school to clarence house

"PAPA !" he yells

"Do you really need to scream when ever you walk in the house ,James ?" Prince charles said

"Oh who's this lovely lady " he ask me

"Oh this is my friend ,margaret gray " he introduced me to charles

"Oh hi Margaret. I'm charles " he said sticking his hand out for a hand shake

"Why so formal ?" I ask

He laughed

"Can she get a hug " james ask

Gosh this kid knows what I'm thinking about

"Sure " he said

"Come here " he said while grabbing me and pull me to a tight hug

"Where do you live ?" He ask me

"Edinburg" I answered politely

"But i studied in university of london and cambridge " I smile

"Wow university of london and cambridge " he said in wowed

"Charles is that james ?" I hear a familiar voice said

"Yeah and he's with a friend " he smiles

"Come in " he said

"I did not expect the 'prince charles windsor of wales ' is the one going to greet me " I said with a laugh

They both laugh too

We got in the kitchen and there a saw camila

I smile remembering how we used to play before when I was a kid

"Camila this is Margaret,margaret this is camila " charles introduce me to his wife

I was about to stick my hand out for a hand shake when she pulls me into a warm hug

"Hi " she said still in the hug

She eventually let go but I don't want to . But I really need to

"Have a seat " she said

"Thx" I said

"You know im shock that your name is Margaret . Coz james doesn't even want anyone saying his sister's name " camila said

"MA !" James said

"Why tho?" I ask

"Coz he doesn't want to remember his sister , princess margaret of richmond , lennox and gordon " she said

Wow really ma ? Really

"Ma margaret wouldn't want you introducing her with her royal titles after her name " he said

Well it's true . I don't want that

"Sorry " she said

"So where are your parents ?" She ask

"America " I simply answered

I didn't expect her to ask me about my parents

"Oh are you in living in a dorm room?" Camila ask

"No have a house in edinburg "I answered

"Is that house bought by your daddy ?" Charles assistant ask

"I'm a part time lawyer. I graduated law last year with a degree of zuma cum laude " I said

"Woah really ?" he ask sarcastically

"Or are you lying ?" he said

"I'm not " I simply answered because I'm so annoyed

"Oh really . You're definitely lying " he said

"Clive Alderton ,the assistant of prince charles of wales   I know you know the rules and I know you shouldn't be talking to me right now because your NOT in the conversation.  And that is disrespectful not to believe a visitor's words " i said full with anger

"She right . So leave before I fired you " james said

"How do you know some rules ?" Charles ask

"I don't know . Maybe because I'm the princess of richmond lennox and gordon " I said simply telling them that I'm alive

Charles and camila's mouth drop

"Wait your - you're alive ?" Camila ask

"Yeah . Oh wait no I'm a ghost " I said with my normal sarcastic voice

Harry walk in the kitchen and said

"Mia meghan is looking for you " he said

"Oh I've seen y'all have meet already " she said

"Yeah " I said while walking out if the door

And walk back in just by the door

"And sorry to tell you . I'm going to take my power and fame back " I said talking to both Charles and camila

Lol hiiiiiiii
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