chapter 8: is he cute ?

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I arrived at the school and quickly run inside so I won't be late . I got to my business math class and






His bag is on the other chair next to him and the second he saw me
He started to pat the seat

Signaling me to sit there

As I about to walk and sit next to him . My old friend , ace said

Ace: oh gosh mia . What are you doing here in Princeton ?

Mia: oh hi ace . Studying as normal

Ace: do you know what happened to you-

Mia: I know . Pls don't talk about it .

Mia: let's just talk about that later

Ace: ok I miss you bae

Mia: miss you too

I sat besides tyler and I could see the anger in his eyes

Like he wanna kill ace

I snap infront of his eyes to get his attention and it worked

Tyler:oh sorry I black out

Mia: yeah I can see . So how's your morning ?

Tyler: good . How bout you ?

Mia: good too . You didn't tell me you're the dutchess of cambridge's brother

Tyler: oh yea coz they don't really count me as a member of the family anymore . Because of what I did before

Mia: oh what Did you do ?

Tyler: ummmm Idk if I can tell you that

Mia: it's ok I'm not forcing you

Then the bell rang

The teacher walk in the same door I walk in

He's like a 30-40 y/o man

He's kinda like a grandpa for me

Ok nvm lemme just listen to the class

*K lemme just put some math shit I learned rn in online school and modules *

Mr.crean: miss gray mind answering the questions on the board ?

Mia: ofc I would love too

Ik I sounded And look like I would fuck him but trust me I won't . If anyone would bet me a billion dollars just for me to fuck him . No

The question board :

What is the square root of

What is the value of 912³ ?

Give the formula of pi

I was supposed to answer no.1 but the question no.2 caught my attention

Mia: mr can I just answer no.2 ?

Mr.crean: sure my child

So of I did

What is the value of 912³ ?

912 x 912 x 912 = N

And N is 758,550,528

Mr.crean:good job ms.gray

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