chapter 11:I know you

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I hear someone asking me

"Are you ok ? . Mia ? " This unknown voice said

"Oh yeah I am . Who are you ?" I said

"Silly margaret . You've forgotten about your lil sis don't you ? .she then stepped out of the shadows

And there is my little sister

Well alive

"I thought you're dead " I said

"Eyyy who the fuck told that to you ?" She asked

"Ehm . Miss martina gabe . Your language " dixie stepped in the conversation

I giggled as she's scolding her

I watch her being scolded at by just saying one bad word

Well I couldn't blame dixie
She's only 8-9

"You've gotten big ,martina " I told her

As I saw that she was about to cry

"Ye-yeah I'm almost 10 already "
She answered

"Dixie stop scolding her please" I said

"Ok . What happened ? Why did you pass out ? Why are there cops here when me ,charli and kate arrived ?" She asked

She have alot of questions in her head and I could clearly tell

"I saw samantha . She still doesn't want to talk to me . She shut the door hard that made me flinch . Then I suddenly have a panic attack as I realized my own sister doesn't love me anymore "

I told her as urge of crying

"Then I woke up here and dad was here . He tried to choked me and the doctor toke him out . He wanted you and charli to be with him " I explained

I saw all of them about to cry for some reason

Just then I change the conversation

"Hey umm guys . Y'all saw doctor middleton ? " I asked

"Yeah " all of them answered

"He kinda looked familiar ,don't he " I speak

"Wait didn't he the doctor that help you on the way to the hospital when your baby died " she said

But when she mentioned my baby

I couldn't stop thinking what my little naelie

Shes probably around 2-3 years old by now

And ofc someone snapped me back to reality

"Mia?" Martina asked

"Im ok " I simply answered

"Umm I don't remember " I answer again

Time skip : were home

I got a text from a random number


Hey ,who's this ?

Oh sorry . Wrong number :)


That's weird

I try to text tyler but he don't answer

Time skip :the next day . In school

I was just sitting in the cafeteria then this kid came up to me

Hes a freckled face with blue eyes

"Hi" he said

"Hi. What's your name ?" I ask

"My name is James windsor " he answered

"Fuck you james " I cuss him

He laughed histerically

"Why would you do that " I ask

As I was about to hit him

About a few inches away of hitting him he grab my hands and said

"You will never hit me again " he said with a attitude

I was fucking scared

"Wtf happened to the boy that let his sister do what ever the fuck she wanna do to him " I said jokingly

We both laugh it off

"What's your next class ?" James asked

"Law . What's yours ?" I asked him back

"Law.  Same " he answered

I smile and nod then continue to eat my food

After a few bites . There is still a lot of food

But I'm not hungry anymore

"Want some ?" I asked him .

"Sure . But is there any poison In it ?" He asked with a grin

"No but I can put one there " I answered

He immediately shove the food in his mouth

As I laugh histerically

The ball rang and we both sprinted to our class

"Hmm 36 seconds late ,mr.windsor and ms.gray " mr.curtis said

"Sorry sir " I answered

"Sorry " James said too

I saw tyler with his bag again on the next seat to him and signaling me to sit there

But james pull me physically to the chair next to him

I look over to tyler and his giving me the 'who tf is that ' look

I grab my phone . Secretly then text him


Me:his name is James . Hes my friend

Tyler: but is he like ,your boyfriend

Me: boyfriend ? Fuck no

Tyler: oh ok . Cya in near London bridge :)

Me: okkkkkk. But why ? What for ?

Tyler : surprise

Me :oh fuck you

"Ms.gray and Mr.middleton stop using your phone or detention " mr.curtis said

I immediately drop my phone and continue to listen

After school I met with james again

"So I think . Tyler likes you " James said

"Do you think?" I ask him

"Yeah definitely " he answer

I just looked down for a bit of time thinking if he does like me

Then his father came in my mind again

"So do you know dr.middleton ?" I asked james

"Yeah .why ?" He asked

"He saw something that I didn't want anyone to see" I answered

"What is it ?" James ask again

"Cuts" I say in a low voice

"Hmmm? " He asked .

"Say it louder " he said

Lol hi guys sorry I'm kinda busy .
Hope Everyone Likes People

Ily bye

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