chaper 7:she went crazy

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I go back to reality when I realized matt is back in the house

He have a big black eye bruise

Mia:what - what happened ?

Matt:your mom find found out what i did . She found out that I told dixie that she's coming here to england

Matt: so she come in my house then punch me

Matt: then now she's in jail

Mia: A-HA ? WHAT THE FUCK . well that's better coz she in jail now

Mia: how bout dad ? Did he go crazy too ? .

Matt: no he don't

Then Dixie came running down stairs and hugged him but eventually spot his black eye

Dixie:what happened ?

Matt: long story

They go to her bed room .

Im not that strict to dixie but a lil bit strict to charli . Coz HELLO shes only 13

But I let her talk to devon coz Is her only friend rn

She said some kids are bullying her just because she don't have a british accent .

Now I can see she's eager to have a british accent

She's always in her room or with meghan .

I just told her not to bring her out when shes with harry

*Let's just say that the world knows that meghan and harry are dating in 2018*

And ofc she said yes

And rn I guess char is with meghan . They kinda get along well

Time skip. It's afternoon

Meghan called me and asked


Can charli sleep her In my apartment ?

Yah sure . But if she wants to

She wants to but she's scared that you would say no

Well now I said yes

I heard charli squeal at the background and that makes me smile

Ok bye now have a good night . Ily

End of call

I was in my room when I heard a knock on my door

I open it and it's matt

Matt: can I talk to you

Mia: shore . Why ?

Matt: are you ok about the fact that I take you sisters virginity ?

Mia: yeah coz I know you didn't force her . And I trust her and you

Matt: yeah good tahts just I wanna know

I deeply know something is wrong

Mia:what wrong , matt?

Matt: not- nothing

Mia: do you think I wouldn't know if something is wrong ?

Mia: I'm your brothers bsf and I know you since ... Well you're 5

Mia: so ik something is bothering you

Matt: I'm scared . I you know inside dixie and I'm scared

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