chapter 16

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As I'm already graduating . I had enough of those people and call my dad . I know . I said I'm scared to see him here but he's my only way .

My dad is the Duke of browsfield . The title is only given to the father of an heir apparent , which is me

And also the Dutchberg family have alot of scholars in Princeton england . So many that it can be call Dutchberg university

Graduation day

As I seat in the front row , next to Tyler . I know this will be a long day

" for our guest , From the house of browsfield , Duke Marcus Damelio "

Everyone stood up and clap . So do I and my sisters . Charli and Dixie are graduating for secondary medical school and secondary education

" And Thee Queen Olivia III of Dutchberg land " the presentor said

Wait , ain't she dead ? . If no . Oh my I want to hug her . My personal butler , Leo Acter is here too . So do charli's butler , Mr. Lozenzo Kein and Dixie's butler , Mr. Jake lane

Meghan text me and said "who's gonna take u up ? " " You and my mom and dad will bring me down "

I peak my head over just to meet her gaze smiling . She look so dang proud

" Top students . Occupation room pls " the school head said . I walk hand and hand with Tyler . Not to mention me and him didn't say a word about our relationship to anyone . So the cameras are definitely on to us .

"So. Your parents . Dad will bring you up and mom will wait for you down . Get it ?" He said . As the students left he turn on me and said " Meghan and prince borisson can bring you up and Duke of browfield and Queen Olivia can bring you down " he said . He's one of the few people who knows my secret. I smile and nod

Duke of browsfield /

Pa . Can you bring me down ?.
You and Livy

My pleasure ,my little
Angel . Is it same as char
And dix ?

I guess

Meghan and papá Boris will
Bring me up the stairs . I'm guessing to chat and dix too

Yah . I'll tell  Livy .
I guess me and Heidi will
Bring them up


End convo

Not to mention , my momma Heidi is the duchess of albara . They 3 are sitting almost close with the royal fam of England .

" Prince borisson of Austrias "

He's supposed to be king . My mom have the genius plan to me to stay with them and act like I'm thier child . The legitimate child .so from 9-14 I'm with them . We escape Spain and went to England . They give him the title of the Duke of Beaufort . So me and his son , nickson *Nicky * are his successor

I smile at him . He too look so proud . He sit next to Livy who's already talking to my dad . Probably talking about the plan .

" Zuma cum laude , her royal highness , Princess Margaret of Shauncaster " . I hear gasp from peoples . Tyler and I smiled at each other . As plan Meghan and papá Boris bring me up the stairs . My mom clap . Looking all proud .

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