chapter 9: what ?

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I felt the pain of the needle in my left hand

I know that theres a iv in my hand

I hate this shit

I slowly open my eyes then saw ace

And .....

Tyler ???

Oh wait no that's payton

I really really missed that boy

"Oh oh OH SHES- SHE'S A- AWAKE " payton said stuttering

Then a tear fell down his eyes

I put my hands up to a 'give me a hug ' position

Then he came rushing to hug me

This boy is like my son

The hug felt warm and safe

But it doesn't last long coz the doctors came it

"Hi Margaret " one doctor said

"Im doctor middleton , Tyler's dad " he speak again

Wait what did he said ?

"He found you on the school bathroom floor . Pass out and not  breathing "

"Ace called am ambulance and we found some fresh cuts "

Ahhhh shit . Whyyy do they have to see that

"Those cuts are from a week ago . They weren't fresh" I said

"But it's still self harm . That could kill you if been cut the wrong place " he said

"I know " I responded

"Then why do you still do that ? "
He question

"Because I want to . And you don't need to care " I responded sounding mad

"I care because my son likes you . He never stops talking about liking this brunette american in school "

"And as far as I know your the only brunette haired american girl in school "

Is he telling the truth

I just stay up silent until the door opened again

There I saw dad

DAD ??



Even tho it hurt I still have the courage and a little bit strength to yell at him

"Well I'm your legal guardian and parent " he said

I was frustrated

And at this moment

I just wanna kill him

"Where's charli and dixie ?" I said

"Im gonna have to ask you that question " he said as dr.middleton leaves

"I will never answer that stupid question " I replied

Then he choked me

"Tell me where tf my girls are ? "
I said

"I- I won't " I said as I'm gasping for air

Luckily Ive been in the hospital for about 600 time throughout my entire life so ik where the help botton are

I push it without him noticing it

Then a group of doctors and nurses with harry and william walk in

They saw him still choking me

William immediately punch him in the face and guts as harry hugged me

The team of doctors and nurses help him out of the room

Then again I can't find my oxygen

Then I pass out again

Sorry for the short chapter

I love you . Bye bubs . Stay being gorg and handsome


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