Namjen - Step Siblings pt3

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Jennie's P.O.V.

It had been a couple of days since I last counted my birth control pills. I have been distant from everyone except my best friends. I can't tell Namjoon because I'm not 100% sure that I'm pregnant. Plus it's only been a week, pregnant women find out around the second week after the guy cums inside of her.

I was on my bed not really motivated until my mom walked inside.

Mom: "Hunny, it's time for dinner"

Me: "I'm not hungry-"

Mom: "No! You are coming down and eating dinner weather you like it or not!!"
I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly. "Don't give me that attitude young lady!"

I roughly got up and stomped passed her. I went to the dining room where my step dad and step brother was. I plopped into my seat and got a bunch of food.

Step dad: "Jennie, are you ok?"

Me: "I'm fine"

I took a bite of Mac 'n cheese but made a face. It doesn't taste right. I looked around and saw a watermelon. I took it and poured the juice in my Mac 'n cheese and I heard my step dad gag and my mom gasp.

Mom: "Oh my gosh Jennie!! That is disgusting!!!"

I took a big bite and it was delicious. I moaned by the taste and ate more.

Namjoon: "Jen, are you sure that you are alright?"

Me: "Yeah"

I finished eating and went back upstairs. I laid in my bed but felt like my blatter was about to explode. I ran to the bathroom and did my business. I looked down but didn't see any blood. My period is late.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I went back to my room but saw Namjoon sitting on my bed.

Namjoon: "Jennie, please tell me what's wrong. I'm worried"

Me: "I said I'm fine!" I raised my voice a little but regret it. "I'm sorry" A tear left my eye.

Namjoon came up to me and hugged me.

Namjoon: "Shhh, it's ok, everything is ok, I'm here for you"

Me: "Not after I tell you"

Namjoon: "What?"

Me: "Not today, some other time but can we cuddle?"

Namjoon: "Anything for you"

He carried me bridal style and sat on the bed. He laid down and had me on top of him but not like usual 😉😏

Since I have a TV in my room, we turned it on and watched the new spongebob movie.

I know it's short but ahh, ok the next one is going to be longer.

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