Liskook - Psycho pt.2

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

When the car stopped for a while and I heard the doors opening and closing. Since I didn't close the trunk all the way, I was able to get out. I heard a door open and close. There was silence after a while so I got out.

I saw a small 1 leveled house and it doesn't look like it is in good shape. I walked to a window and saw the doctor and my Lisa in the living room arguing.

After a fee more seconds, I saw the doctor slapping my Lisa. I was so angry but I couldn't control myself so I punched the house. It was made of brick so they won't be able to hear.

Lisa ran to what I assumed was her bedroom ans closed the door.

I ran around trying to find her window and I found it but she had curtains. I saw a little crack and saw her on the ground crying.

Me: "Don't worry my Lisa, I will end your sadness"

I sat down and waited until it was dark.

Lisa's P.O.V.

Me and my uncle were arguing because he was jealous that I got Jungkook to talk and not be violent. That was supposed to be his job and he won't get a raise because he didn't do it.

Me: "Well, if you weren't so lazy and fo your fucking job--"

He slapped me. He slapped my fucking face. I ran to my room and slammed my door. I cried silently since he doesn't like it when I am crying because it makes him not able to focus on finding girls online.

I fell asleep after a while and I was on the ground by my door.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

It was midnight and I know they are asleep.

While I was waiting, I went around the forest near by since that is where my home is. That area near my house has a lot of night plants so I made my own burandanga to keep them asleep.

I pick locked the front door and saw the doctor on the couch asleep with beer bottles everywhere. I got the burandanga and put it on his nose and mouth so he could breath it in.

I went to my dolls room and saw her asleep on the floor. I picked her up and put her on her bed for a moment. I got the burandanga and did the same thing and I took off her clothes to change her.

I stopped and looked at her body. Gosh she is hot. She is turning me on but I won't take advantage of her unconscious state. I kissed her forehead and changed her into a large t-shirt that went to her knees.

I picked her up and put her over my shoulder. I got all of her clothes, shoes and things that looks like it would be hers. I lastly got a picture with her as a child and I suppose her parents.

I left the house and went deep into thw forest, past the 'Go away', 'Keep out!!' and 'Danger' sighs.

I saw the house from a far and smiled. My old home. The home I killed my parents in.

I arrived and opened the door.

I arrived and opened the door

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