Liskook- When I Was Your Man

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Lisa's P.O.V.
I was on my way to my and Jungkook's house since there was a party that Jennie is hosting.

I got into the house and got into an outfit,

I got into the house and got into an outfit,

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I left the house and went to the party. I know I was running late so I didn't really think about anything.

I got to the party and the first place I went to was the dance floor. While I was dancing, I saw something that broke my heart.

I saw Jungkook kissing a girl, not any girl, his ex.


I thought he was over her but I guess I was wrong. I got off of the dance floor and I started to cry. Someone tapped my shoulder and it it was Jennie.

Me: "Unnie"

I hugged her and she was confused but still hugged me back.

Jennie: "What's wrong?"

Me: "Jungkook"

Jennie: "What about him"

Me: "Look" I pointed to where they were eating each other's throats.

Jennie: "This bitch"

She dragged me up to them and slapped Jungkook.

Jungkook: "What the...... Fuck"

Me: "Really Jungkook? I though you were over her!"

Jungkook: "Baby"

Yeri: "Baby didn't you say that you were using her for her money?"

Me: "What? So as soon as your family gets bankrupt, you come to me?!?!"

Jungkook: "I didn't want my reputation to fall apart!"

Me: "Wow, ok, we are done!!"

Jungkook: "W-what?"

Me: "What? Why are you hurt? Your-- I mean my money is going away?!? Huh?! I loved you but I guess you just loved my money"

I left the party and went home and packed his things. He lives under my roof so I'm kicking him out.

I packed everything that was his and packed a key to the house. Yes we are breaking up but I love him. If anything bad happens.... He knows.

I threw his luggage out if the door and locked the door. I went to my room and cried.

Jungkook's P.O.V.


Yeri: "Baby, let's continue what we started"

Me: "Ok babygirl"

End of flashback

I feel awful. I live in a crappy motel and I was here for over a year or so. I miss Lisa. She was a star that shined so bright.

She actually loved me. She actually made me happy. I got my ego all high and I was dumb. When I hung out with my hyungs, they would mention her and it tore me down.

She loved to dance since it made her happy but I never felt like partying.

I was walking in the park for some fresh air but saw something that made me surprised and sad.

Lisa kissing another man. I knew how he was, we went to school together, Oh Sehun. She looks really happy with him than she ever was with me.

A tear left my eye. I know I should be crying after I cheated over 2 years ago. But something hurt me more, he got down on one knee and took out a ring.


She was crying and nodded. More tears left my eyes but I shouldn't. I thought of something and it seemed like a right choice to punish me.

I hurried and got paper and pen from a store. My hyungs told me that she never moved so I am going to give her something.

I wrote it down and put it in her door.

I'm sorry Lisa. You were a big impact into my life and I can't suffer anymore.

I went downtown since I didn't want to be in that nasty motel. I was so deep into my thoughts about if I should have put the note in her door or not.

I didn't see the red light for crossing the busy street and I didn't notice the speeding car coming my way. I looked over to the speeding car and smiled.

The next thing I knew was that I was on the ground, bleeding until everything went black.

Lisa's P.O.V.

I was so happy that Sehun proposed to me at the park. He had some business to take care of so I decided to go home.

When I opened the door, I saw a paper fall. I looked at it and read it.


I know I hurt you and it hurt me too. I saw what happened at the park and I'm happy for you. You deserve a better relationship than what we had. I love you and I never ment to hurt you.

The first couple of months when we started to date, I used you for money but later on, you mad me happy, feel different about myself and loved. I live you.


A tear left my eye and I quickly wiped it away. I walked into my house and went to the living room. As soon as I turned on my tv, there was a report that made me scream in pain.

News reporter: "Jeon Jungkook was found dead on the side of the read after getting hit by a speeding car.

I was crying hard. He was my first love, my first kiss, my first in bed. I was crying my heart out but felt chills run threw my body.

It felt like someone was hugging me but I didn't see anything. I was scared until I heard a quiet, soft voice that I loved

Jungkook: "I love you"

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