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Emily stares at the gun aimed at her head and then at Reggie.

"Let's just calm down now," Emily says raising her hands.

"You keep your voice down, before your partner hears. Why are you actually here?" Reggie says calmly.

"What do you-"

Reggie grabs here arm before she finishes her sentence, "Listen, I don't have times to play your games, tell me why you're here and where you partner went."

"We're here to talk about your cousin, and Agent Morgan needed to take a phone call."

"I ain't hear no phone go off."

Reggie drags Emily down the hallway to the locked door. He gives her a key and tells her to open it.

Emily hesitates and she looks at the front door, waiting for Derek. Reggie notices and jams the gun hard into her side. Emily grunts as she reaches for the door lock.

She struggles and she can see Reggie getting angrier.

"Hurry up!" He semishouts and Emily twists the key.

They open the door and see a dark stairway leading down.

Before he can lead her down the stairs, Derek walks back in, seeing Reggie holding Emily at gunpoint.

Derek instinctively reaches for his gun but Reggie is quicker and aims his gun at Emily's head.

"Don't move or I'll shoot her," Reggie's face gets red and he holds Emily tighter.

"Okay, okay," Derek puts his hands up.

"Put your gun and phone on the floor and come over here," Reggie demands and Derek does as he says.

"Go down the stairs, I'll follow behind you," Reggie says and Derek hesitates before stepping down.

They slowly walk down and Derek and Emily looks around.

Reggie flicks on a light in the pitch black room and they see Hotch in the middle, unconscious.

"Oh my God," Emily gasped unintentionally and Derek looks at Reggie.

"You're sick-" Reggie fires a shot and it lands and Emily's foot.

"Shut up," Reggie tosses Emily towards Derek and motions towards some zip ties.

"Tie him up," he says to Emily and she grabs the zip ties.

After she was done, he sat Derek on the floor while he struggled to tie Emily up.

Reggie curses under his breath and finishes Emily's ties.

"Don't move. I'll be waiting for whatever friends are on there way."

Reggie stomps up the stairs and slams the door, locking it back.

Derek cusses as the hear moving upstairs.

"He's blocking the doorway!" Emily huffs as they see the light under the doorway go dark.

"What now?" Derek says standing up.

"I don't know. Check and see if Hotch is alive?" Emily says and stands up as well.

They shake Hotch's chair trying to wake him up and they give up after a while.

"I can see him breathing but he's out cold," Emily huffs and Derek kicks the shelf. A CD falls from it labeled: Hotchner's Confession Tape.

"Emily look," Derek motions here over, and she looks.

"Oh my God. What did he confess?"

"I didn't."

Emily and Derek turn around and see Hotch wheezing and bloody.. But conscious.

Feelings You Leave (HotchxReid)Where stories live. Discover now