{14} Bad For Business

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Hey guys, new chapter -FINALLY- goddamn writers block *bashes head against wall repeatedly* I've been reading so much fanfiction on Dragon Age Inquisition it ain't even funny like I think I'm obsessed with Solas, and Josephine, and Cullen, and Leliana... and Iron Bull... and everyone else.

Also -new cover? *flips hair and puts on Harriet from Wild Child voice* Thank you I, made it myself.

I don't doubt that you did Harriet.

Read on!


I flipped my hair over my shoulder, watching over the rip of the coffee cup and trying to act casual.

Hands. What do I usually do with my hands?! 

God, acting casual is much easier in theory. Especially if you could see your face all over the TV in the cafe, even if you're not wearing the one you usually wear, it's still uncomfortable. 

Oh god, that guy across the room was staring at me, he knew -I could feel it, he could see through my current face I was a goner and I'd be off to prison soon enough. GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD-

"Morrigan, calm your tits." Bo slammed her mug back onto the table, "I can literally hear you freaking out. And you're not even breathing." 

"But I didn't do anything!" I hissed back, the anxiety of this whole thing rapidly becoming too much for me.

A villain was not -and I say not I mean definitely never ever absolutely not- cut out to be that good guy. I might be doing illegal shit and I was completely used to it, but ever since the start of this I'd been behaving like the good guy, and that shirt didn't fit right on a humble villain like myself.

The face I was wearing was relatively good looking, an innocent face was what I'd call her if I every actually saw her on the street. Hazel eyes, tan skin, cropped slightly curly hair, about five-four feet tall. Add in the freckles and the dimples then she'd be considered both cute and absolutely innocent of anything.

Doesn't stop me from feeling suspicious.

Bo calling me by my last name isn't helping the anxiety either. Because the name Morrigan isn't a suspicious name, however awesome it is.

Take note of the sarcasm folks. You might learn something.

She glanced over to the counter. Where Stacey Davis or Eira sworn to track me and Will down and put us away -either like... jail or possibly even kill us? Good guys have the moral high ground but you gotta admit that when people get in the way they don't think twice- was looking worn and tired, dragging herself through the motions of work.

There were bags under her eyes, her hair was thrown up in a bun which looked unwashed, work clothes were clean though, she looked professional -but still like she had the weight and hopes of millions of people on her shoulders and she was just trying to keep herself from cracking.

I sculled the rest of my coffee, "She looks like she needs a hug."

Bo held back a laugh, "She wouldn't accept a hug from you, Morrigan." 

"Whatever Bo, maybe if everyone stopped to hug it out then the world would be a better place."

"You could go back to robbing people, I could go back to watching TV and putting off my homework, Will could go back to stopping you from robbing people..."

"Sounds good to me-"

"You two finished?" We both jumped at the sound of a voice.

It was her, looking at us expectantly. 

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