{10} And You?

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I'm telling you right now that I've had this whole chapter planned down to the T since I started writing this story. It sort of paves the direction of the whole story? So as proud as I am of the previous chapter -and it is extremely proud :P -I think that this one really gets it. 

Vague I know, but you'll understand eventually. UNDERSTAND THAT I'M EVIL mwahaha.

Slytheriness aside, please comment and let me know what you think.

Read on. 


I dropped both the phone and the fucking useless device into the safe-zone, reaching in and pulling underwear and pants out, throwing them on in record time. I made sure to close the gap up before finally turning to Will, "Sorry Speccy I gotta get out of here, my Dad-"

"Didn't you hear? We're probably going to be the most wanted people in the country, you can't go see your Dad at a time like this." Will walked forward, trying to reach for my hands. 

I took a step back, clenching my fists in frustration, "There were four confirmed deaths, Will."

He was still looking confused, "Yes..."

"I have to go, and if you know what's good for you then you'll get out of my way." I stopped moving around the room, pausing right in front of him and looking directly into his eyes. 

"What's so important...?"

"Oh for fucks sake-" I grabbed his hand and teleported us to just outside the hospital my Dad was staying in. There were cars everywhere, people running in and out of the doors with torches. The lights were off inside as well. 

I reached into the safe-zone for a shirt so I could give the one I was wearing to Will, which is what I did. 

Will swallowed, looking so pained at the sight of the hospital, "What are we doing here Wren?"

I didn't reply, only grabbed his hand again and teleported to the hallway that my Dad's room is located in. There were hardly any people in the hallway, but heaps in every room.

As soon as we appeared, I started walking towards the room with far more purpose than I did just yesterday. It was rather dark, but it was like my eyes knew how important it was that I could see in this hallway, like the universe knew how urgent this moment was.

The door was open when we got there, and the only light in the room was a torch that was facing up to illuminate the whole room.

My eyes went immediately to the bed; one that my father had resided in for over two years. There used to be machines behind it, beeping and moving and making a lot of noise. There was nothing there now. There was no one in the bed either. No Dad, no sheets or anything, it was just an empty bed.

My next breath caught in my throat as I heard a noise sobbing in the corner.

Annalise was in the chair, the same chair that I'd sat on more times than I could remember. She was still in her work clothes, but her shoes were missing, kicked off and away from her, her hair had fallen completely out of its usually perfect bun, hanging in dark waves around her face. She was covering her eyes, fingers knotting themselves in her hair. 

Kyle was there too, "It's gonna be okay Annie," He looked like he'd been crying too, but he was concentrating on comforting Lise, using the nickname we'd called her when were all very little. When everything had been okay. He was wearing his police-uniform, gun strapped to his hip but his jacket was open and his hair tangled and messy.

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