{1} Family Jewels

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I've been getting into superhero stories on here, you know like 'No Capes' or 'Men in Tights: A Superhero Story'? I get really into those, because I like superheroes and villains and conspiracies to take down cities it's exciting and a refreshing change from all the werewolf stories I read ;) 

So, when on the hunt for a superhero story when I got to the end of Men in Tights I couldn't find one, which sucks, so I decided to write my own. Exciting right?

I'm thinking that this is going to be my next big project? Because NQP is finished, and while the Glade Trilogy is nowhere near done, I like having my little side projects to do when I don't feel like writing about Silly or Sorel. 

Back to this one right?

Now, introducing Wren: an eighteen year old Super-Villain, who steals from the rich, and gives to the poor when she feels like it but most of the time keeps it for herself.  I photoshopped a pic of Natalie Dormer to look like Wren, our villain, so there she is on the side. 

Comment, vote if you like, take note of the dedication ... who made the amazing cover :) 

Alright let's get cracking now shall we?



God I hate these kinds of parties.

It’s not one of the fun ones I’m telling you that right now. There’s no drunken horny teenagers trying to have their way with each other, no throbbing bass music that said drunken horny teenagers are dancing to.

No there’s none of that.

It’s one of those fancy dress ones, full of old people in a massive ballroom with an open bar that serves expensive drinks, the only dancing that goes on is that stupid waltz that all the old people do.

I’m even wearing a ball gown and a mask.

It is a masquerade after all.

But that’s not what I’m here for at all. Not for the ‘dancing’ or the alcohol –despite the fact that it’s free- no I’m here for the priceless collection of art that our gracious host keeps downstairs.

“Can I have a glass of champagne please? I’d like to make a toast.” Winking at the bartender, I turned around on the barstool after he puts the glass in my hand.

Glad my dress only goes to my ankles so I’m not tripping over it, I strut to the middle of the dance floor, so I can get everyone’s attention. Gonna need it if I’m going through with this plan.

Checking the flirty grin, “Attention everyone!” All of the people turned my way with slightly interested smiles, “On behalf of our gracious host, I’d like to thank you all for coming-” Pausing to make way for a slight applause, “And in honour of our host, I am going to be blatantly honest.”

Another break for snooty chortling, with me grinning away, I raised the glass of champagne, “I’m the Red Spirit, and tonight-“ gasps and exclamations of surprise, “I’m here to rob you.”

I spied the hosts’ goons heading my way, so I raised the glass to them the flirty grin still in place, “cheers.”


“This is not how I thought tonight was going to end up.”

What is the point of scratching your head with a gun? Is it so he would look manly? Relatively intimidating? Threatening maybe? Either way, it only made him look kind of crazy, or like a twelve-year-old playing at being a gangster.

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