{24} Like A Deer In Headlights

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Were you guys aware that Red Spirit ranked #984 in Action category? That's pretty good, the highest I've been ranked before was for Not Quite Parallel, and I think it got like past the #100 rank in Sci-Fi.

I don't quite get the ranking system? Still, pat on the back for me right?


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It took a while, but eventually we managed to create a convincing enough scene and send it to Joshua Pike.

We teleported back to Bo's house, Will and I unbelievably exhausted and frustrated with the amount of complaints we'd put up with from Samuel Franklin. It was so annoying, he could complain about anything from the bloodstains to a smudge on his glasses.

We were faking the mans death and all the fucker could talk about was how his business would take a massive blow because of this, and how long was he going to be 'dead' for? Was this a permanent thing or could he come back when the problem was dealt with? Someone had to call his team back at the office, to straighten out all the assets and there was so much work to be done couldn't this whole 'pretending to get murdered' thing wait until later? He had places to be, important fucking people to see.

Utterly ridiculous.

We were telling him to shut his mouth when we appeared in the living room, but instantly we all shut our mouths at what we saw there.

Bo and Stacey on the couch, legs tangled and mouths devouring each other.

There was a breath of silence where we all stood there. Franklin looked impressed by the two girls going at it on the couch, and I just had to stop them before he commented on it like the leech he was.

I sneezed and covered Will and Franklin's eyes, grinning at the pair on the couch as they sprang apart, "Jeez couldn't you find a room before you decided to go at it in a public area?"

Stacy rushed to button up her shirt, standing up instantly and presenting her back to us. Bo just sat there on the couch with only her shorts and bra on, not giving a single fuck about modesty as she eyed Franklin in distaste and confusion, "I thought you were supposed to kill him?"

Franklin stepped away from my hand, a sleazy grin on his face, "A pleasure to see you again, Miss Murdock."

Bo fists clenched and her jaw locked, "Suck a dick, Franklin."

"What's he doing here?" Stacey faced us again, having fixed herself up she wanted to change the subject, "And how do you two know each other?" She turned to Bo and crossed her arms.

Bo held up her hands in defence, "I used to intern for him, he's a creep and I left WITH PREJUDICE wishing I could press charges for sexual harassment."

Franklin crossed his arms, scoffing, "Nonsense, I would do no such thing."

"You kept asking if I was down for a three-way! Not only did I continuously say NEVER IN YOUR LIFE would that happen with you, I also threatened to tell your wife if you ever asked again."

"Yet you never told her; proof that you love me, Miss Murdock." He kept staring at her uncovered shoulders and stomach and it was pissing me off.

Before I could intervene to punch him in the face (again), Bo stood up and launched herself off the couch towards Franklin, putting all her strength into kneeing him in the crotch.

He let out a high-pitched squeal and collapsed instantly.

He's having a really tough night, Will sniggered in my head.

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