{23} Faking It

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Also just a question, do I ever mention Bo's last name? I'm asking for a friend she needs to know for science :P

I may be adding some gifs of Natalie Dormer as I would see he in this -so basically cheeky grins, smirking and playing around with people (so basically her normally) with elements of seriousness. Ignore her hair as Wren's is red and short, just watch her gorgeous face.

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"You ready for this?"

"Dude, I was born ready." Grinning, I shifted back into Joshua Pike, taking off my jacket, squaring my shoulders and adopting the look that Pike had as a default expression. Like someone skewered his testicles.

"You take Drama at school right?"

"Yes." I blinked at him, "You need to be a good actor to survive as a Villain, hm?"

"Wow, you even got his phrasing down-pat." Will said, "I am very attracted to you right now."

I couldn't contain my laughter anymore; I had to cover my mouth to stop the giggles from echoing down the hallway, "I'll try not to take offence to that, Speccy. I mean I am wearing his face."

He gives me a snide grin, "No worries, take it or leave it."

"You're having fun, aren't you? You're actually having fun." I rolled my eyes in disbelief, starting to walk towards where the light was in Franklin's office, "I can't believe you."

"But you love me."

"Well... there's that." I said, then stopped outside of the room and let my Joshua Pike act take control, if this was going to get smooth we needed Samuel Franklin to believe that I was Pike, and that would be hard for someone who knew him so well.

I motioned to Will, projecting, stay here until I give the signal, before turning and entering the room.

"Samuel, may I have a moment of your time?" I asked, the haughty tone the right mixture of pompous and smug.

Samuel Franklin started out of his work, instantly pushing back from his chair to stand, "Mr Pike, I didn't expect to-"

"No no, I thought I'd just drop by. I needed a favour." I waved my hand, knowing that I was in control of the situation gave me the confidence I needed to continue. Sitting down across from him in one of the chairs, I stretched out comfortably, making sure to adopt a comfortable, at-ease pose.

"With Red Spirit and Spectre running amok out there, doing God-knows-what, I am becoming increasingly ... concerned about the safety of my books. I'm sure you agree, hm?" I eyed him, small smile playing on my lips, daring him to disagree.

He rushed to sit down, placing his hands on the table and nodding vehemently, "Yes Sir, that's a valid concern."

I leant forward, getting to the point of this whole thing, "I believe I should take care of them from now on, until this whole issue has settled down."

"Yes Sir, that's a very good idea." He replied instantly, reaching down to his left.

I felt my heart rate go up as I thought he was reaching for a gun, I thought he knew, he could see through this act, we were so busted.

But as I began to react, shifting my position slightly so I could grab the gun he was going to pull on me, he pulled out a small leather-bound ledger.

Yes! I schooled my face, holding my hand out without saying anything. He placed it right in my waiting palm, and I nodded to myself, opening it and flipping through it. It didn't look right, not what I was expecting.

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