{18} The Daunt

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I've been dying to write a club scene since I started this -to be honest I had no idea where I'd put it in so YAY I found a spot- and The Daunt is such a good idea like where does my brain get this shit from?

;) Comment please? Let me know what you think about Ford? He's kind of like Penguin from the Batman comics isn't he? At least I hope so cause that's what I was going for.

Pic on the up is Jet. Extremely good looking that guy, kinda fits for what I want his character to be. 

STOP. HOLD UP. Just taking time to appreciate two people that practically bulldozed through this story, SeerOfTheUnseen and fetheve. Powerhouses. Both of them. AND FETHEVE IS STARTING ON LIONHEART LIKE WHAT OMG I LOVE YOU. LOVE YOU BOTH.

Carry on. Hope you like this new chapter!

Read on!


"Bo where did you even get these?" Tapping my chin with my thumb, the ensembles on the bed in front of us looked far too ... shall we say, revealing. Which saying a lot for me, usually I'm down for anything.

"I am not wearing that. No way," Stacey and I were -for once- in agreement. Her arms were crossed, eyes wide.

Bo was whirling around the room like someone had put extra sugar in her coffee, "I contacted a friend at a costume shop. These ones-" Jerking her thumb at the bed and its contents, "Are usually reserved for Halloween, for punk themed costumes or just going plain old risqué."

I unfroze, tentatively picking up and holding the t-shirt-like dress up for full view.

It was very thin material, with the whole back cut out in rips and tears that showed off back. It was white, a V-neck that dipped about three inches past the safe-cleavage zone and into the let-the-boobs-breathe area. The sleeves had been cut off to give it the grungier look. I doubted that it was meant for me, bit too small. It would barely even go half way down to my butt.

"Umm..." Both Stacey and I gaped at the thing.

Bo stopped behind us, and flippantly threw material over Stacey's shoulder, "These fishnets with that and if it's uncomfortable for you I have a pair of shorts that could go. OH!" She suddenly whizzed around selecting some shoes and giving them to Stacey, "Off you go champ!"

Stacey and I, united in reluctance to go on this outing -for entirely different reasons I assure you- shared a 'please help me' look as she closed the door to the bathroom.

"You have great legs so I found you this-" She picked up a coat hanger that was slightly buried so I hadn't seen it.

"What? Really Bo?!" I grabbed it and held it up, "Honestly. A crop top."

"Not just a crop top! The skirt goes with it!" She added as an afterthought.

I took a deep breath, "I will be literally spilling out of that. Look at it, Bo."

She looked at me of the corner of her eye, "Look we need to get into this place." She then shoved it at me, "Only rule of The Daunt: you have to be dressed to get in."

"You call this dressed?" I piqued, incredulously raising my eyebrows.

"Don't sass me woman! Now, take your clothes off."

It took about fifteen minutes of manoeuvring and twisting and much cursing at whoever invented woman's clothing. I got the skirt on, which was black leather, extremely tight and high waisted with REAL POCKETS that had gold studs on them. Then next was the crop top, red velvet, cut low, practically a bra, showing off loads of midriff and making me feel more exposed than when I'd almost done it with Joshua Pike just for a plan. Shoes were the same velvet, heeled and with an ankle strap (I put an extra pair of flats in the safe-zone, for all three of us just in case).

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