{2} I'm a Cool Version of Hannah Montanna

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Anyone heard of the T.V. show Lost Girl? I've been watching it for the last couple of days, and I gotta say it's a really good show, I'm enjoying it -already on to season two.

I'm gonna do pictures of the characters -and their actors- in the order they come on the side. It took me a bit to find pics but *shrug* oh well. SO in that case, the picutre on the side is... Annalise Morrigan! The sister-nurseintraining-lesbian-realist. Also known as Lise or Annie. 

Anyway, comment please :) they mean a lot to me -way more than votes do anyway. 

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"I give you ... three thousand." 

"Are you shitting me? The diamonds are worth that each, and then there are the other ones. No, fifteen thousand, and that's because I'm feeling nice." I crossed my arms, glaring at Walker -who by the way is one of my usual dealers- he's not trying to be difficult he just loves to barter. 

Walker tried to keep the smile off his puffy face; he was like a mafia-background dealing-nicer version of Uncle Vernon from Harry Potter. And he liked me -even though he had no idea who I was- I’d been giving him plenty of business, since I started stealing everything in sight.

“Five thousand.”


“You got yourself a deal.” He reached forward and met my hand half way, shaking it and then reaching into his bag for the cash. Another thing, he only dealt in cold hard cash, I had other dealers who dealt with bank accounts for larger amounts of money.

After putting the cash in its storage place, I checked my watch, “Shit I’m gonna be late for school.”

“Ah, the joys of youth, give my best to the family.” With a wave, Walker waddled off to the back of his shop.

Tucking a few pieces of flaming red hair that had escaped my hood, I concentrated on teleporting to my room before heading to school because I had to change out of my suit/Red Spirit outfit (Which includes red tights with black splotches, red lining tight dress with black lace on the straps and collar and basically the whole back, a really lovely black coat with a hood that obscures my hair, picture on the side of it kind of) and into high-waist black jeans and loose graphic t, I teleported to my spot inside the school grounds that nobody goes to.

Running through the halls and making it to homeroom just as the bell rings, I collapsed into my seat, wishing that I had just sent a duplicate to go to school for me today. It’s not like I had any friends to catch up with by the way, everyone here didn’t want to try to make friends with me because I looked too unapproachable.

That was fine with me, I had enough on my plate without having to explain why I could hardly ever meet up with people, or go to the trouble to keep a part of myself hidden from them.

I had friends at work, but I only ever send duplicates to work so they didn’t really count? I basically have a full time job, I make a duplicate of myself, change the hair and eyes, and she works six hours a day for six days a week. Kind of a legit way of earning money, when I don’t feel like pulling off heists.

But then again, I always feel like pulling off heists, so that sentence doesn’t make that much sense…

Funny, my powers don’t consist of turning invisible, but it sure feels like it sometimes.

Especially here, amongst so many people, it hurts to feel so alone-

Ah hell, no it doesn’t. I’ve still got my money and my exploits, no one can be alone when you rolled out of bed and became ten thousand dollars richer. If I did I could just buy a dog or something.

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