{7} Who Said Anything About Sexy Heroes?

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I've been converted! I think I enjoy writing smut too much? However I got almost zero feedback -or I'm predicating zero feedback- but oh well. I am in the place that I love, writing two characters with such an amazing dynamic that it's my pleasure to deliver this story to you *curtseys*. 

Should be good, yes? 

Read on!


"Just who is this boy?" Kyle, arms crossed and surely attitude on display for everyone in the house to see, even though that was just the three of us standing in the doorway.

I rolled my eyes, sick of Kyle's over-protectiveness. It was annoying and needless; he needed to pipe down because if anything I was the one who could kick way more ass than he could. Even though he's a policeman in training, trying to save the world one donut at a time. 

"His name is Will, he needed a place to crash last night," I gave a small laugh then turned to stage whisper at Kyle, "He was a tiny bit sloshed," Buttoned it with a wink. 

I laughed again with I saw Will's neck and ears turning red, for a egomaniacal-super he got embarrassed quite easily. "I was just on my way out," He mumbled, heading towards the door. 

Kyle stepped into the house grumbling his way into the kitchen. 

I leant against the doorframe, "You know, he's just my big brother, you don't need to be scared of him." 

He scratched his face, gave a small sarcastic chuckle, "it's not as if he's a policeman that carries a loaded gun." 

"Oh well then, Superman I'm sure you need to get home so, shoo." I smiled, leaning forward to give him a hug, whispering in his ear, "I'll find you after school tomorrow, bring all the info you have and we can make a plan." 


"Is that it? That's all you have? We can't possibly rob the place on this alone. We need way more." I leant back on my chair, crossing my arms and glaring at the measly paper in front of me. 

He looked so surprised, "Wait, I have more than enough. I don’t get why-"

"All you have are the floor plans -which admittedly are a good start- and the knowledge that they have a device that blocks superpowers, which I loathe by the way. What kinds of people just throw together things like this in their basement?" 

"It's more a wine cellar than a basement," He corrected with a sly grin. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, "We need way more information. Everything from locations of security cameras, to the password for the Wi-Fi. You can't go into a job like this underprepared, not when this much is at stake."

"So... what do you suggest?" 

I crossed my arms, letting out a rush of air, "we need to play an angle, see what we can get on the place before the party on Saturday night." I tapped my chin, and then walked over to my computer-desk, sitting down and loading up a few tabs. 

"Party on Saturday?" He put one hand on the desk in front of me, and leaned his head next to mine. I bit my lip and did my best to ignore my heartbeat as it decided to beat a snare drum, "Why?"

"That's when we're going to hit the place. Better now than never, and a party is always a spectacular cover." I tried to find more on the place, but there's not a lot of access you can get on the Internet, especially about those big-rich families. 

Then, hang on a minute, "Light-bulb."

"What?" He walked backwards and sat on my bed.

"I can get copies of the codes, of everything, today. While you do some of your own recognizance." I walked into my closet, picking out some relatively business-looking clothes and changing into them, "You're going to distract them, do all your superheroey shit and get them relatively out of the house so I can get as much info as possible." 

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