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"I...need help with something."


"I can't reach the shelf. Could you get something for me?"

I took my focus away from the book I was reading, shutting it closed. Discarding my glasses I stood up from my chair and walked over to Angel, who was looking up at a level far beyond his reach.

Upon waking up this morning, Angel told me he was bored and in need of something to do. I considered telling him to suck it up and go back to sleep or something, but then I suddenly remembered he liked to read and that I had a whole library downstairs that he was more than welcome to treat himself to.

I find it amusing how I had nearly an entire floor dedicated to books yet I never bother to stop by. At least not anymore. I read just about every single book in this home, growing up. I've even memorized quite a few of them. But I've long grown out of my bookworm stage and I'm far too busy to sit down and actually take the time to read one.

"What do you need me to get, baby?"

Angel stood up on his toes and pointed toward the book he wanted me to retrieve for him. I tilted my head to the side in interest as I watched his eyes light up with joy for the first time since I've met him.

I didn't bother to stop myself from staring, despite the fact that he'd obviously grown uncomfortable by it. Words were not enough to describe how beautiful he is. Angel is always breathtaking. Every single one of his qualities are absolute and it's caused me to never be willing to let him slip from my grasp.

I'm simply unable to stop my mind from going wild with obsessive thoughts whenever I do so much as glance his way. I couldn't help it and I won't try to. I was completely and utterly enthralled by his hypnotizing beauty. There was something about him that has me so addicted to his all.

I am not afraid to admit that I'm selfish, and I am worse when it comes to Angel. I want more from him, because what I have is not enough to satisfy me in the long run. My dangerous obsession with him becomes stronger by the day. I'm a greedy man. I'm constantly growing restless as my cravings progressively get more and more sadistic.

I'm fully aware that I'm so much more than Angel can take. He can't handle me. But I don't care for any of that. I want him. I have him. And I will do everything in my power to keep him. Nothing will come between us. It has already been said and done, that whoever tries will die. Not an easy death either.

Angel belongs to me alone.

My possessiveness may be overwhelming for him but it is essential that he learns to get used to it because I do not plan on being lenient. I won't change for anyone, not even him. I have been this way my entire life and I won't suddenly decide things need to be done differently just because I've grown attached to him in the most unhealthy way.

"Zhayne." His tiny voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I hummed in response, still not looking away from him. He's so captivating. "My book, please."

Oh. "Yeah."

I motioned for Angel to come here. He froze for a moment, looking confused as to why I needed him to come to me but he knew not to question it any further. When I give him a command he is to do nothing but follow. I will tolerate nothing else.

As soon as he was within arms reach I grabbed him by his hips and lifted him in the air. He shrieked, asking me what I was doing just as I braced him on one of my shoulders. I looked up at the bewitchingly beautiful boy, who was all mine. "Get your book before I drop you." He immediately tightened one of his hands around the back of my shirt and reached up, quickly grabbing the book of his choice and securing it in his free arm.

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