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"Clean this shit up." I ordered my men, stepping over about 3 lifeless pieces of dog shit as I made my way out of the room. Fuck. I'm so fucking irritated right now. I'd just changed out of my other suit which had gotten soaked by blood, only to have my new one be in the same condition because people decide they want to fucking be bold all of a sudden.

I sighed, trying to repress my violent thoughts increasing in number as I exited the VIP room and began to head toward the back doors so I could return to Angel. If there was one thing I feel like can calm me down a little bit, it would be him.

Just as I was about to push the door open to the parking lot, I was stopped by a man's voice frantically shouting my name over and over again. My lips tightened and my nostrils flared in anger at the mere sound of it. What is the problem now?

I turned around and faced the person who dared even speak to me in such a fucking way. Since I'm already on edge, I was getting ready to murder them without even thinking. But I stopped myself from doing so when I recognized the man as one of the guards who I commanded to watch Angel.

My hands clenched into fists as my eyes bore into his. The man shrieked in terror, holding his arms out and backing up as if telling me to wait a minute and let him explain himself. Of course, I don't want to hear it because it'll be nothing but fucking bullshit.

There is no reason for him to be in here. I specifically told him that his job was to watch Angel and to not go anywhere else. So he should be nowhere near here. He should have his eyes practically glued on Angel right this moment.

My left eye started to twitch as I reached to my side, brushing my fingers against my gun which I had tucked in my pants there. He got the gist immediately. But before he could say anything I grabbed a fistful of his thinning hair and slammed him onto the floor, watching as he wailed in pain at the contact.

I sat on his chest, gazing at his fearful figure. I could feel his body trembling beneath me as I leaned closer to him. His eyes glistened with tears as they locked with mine. I grabbed his chin, keeping his head angled straight at me. "Derrick...Why the fuck are you in here?" I asked him simply, stroking my gun which I was itching to shoot. I was so fucking ready to send a thousand bullets flying through his body. "You have 5 seconds. Start fuckin' talking."

He let out a loud cry as I began to count. I'm not on any games if that's what he thinks. Right now he's 3 seconds away from losing his life. "B-b-boss h-ave mercy on me p-please I-" I took my gun out and hit him on the side of his head with it full force. I want answers, not pleading.

I cocked the gun, pointing the barrel to his neck. "I'm going to give you one more chance to answer me. And if you don't obey me I will fuckin' end your life. I will not be quick with it either." Tears streamed down his face as he opened up his mouth to speak. I turned my head to the side and leaned closer so that my ear was visible, letting him know I'm waiting for him to talk.

"I-I'm sorry b-boss..the boy h-he asked me to u-use the restroom so I-I took him. I waited outside the door for him to c-come out but he never did. H-he'd locked it and escaped somehow...I didn't know until I'd broken the door down t-to get him." My blood turned to ice at the word 'escaped'. "I-I'm truly sorry boss p-p-please forgive me!"

I didn't do anything for a minute. I just sat and let his words repeat in my head over and over again... 'he escaped somehow'...Slowly, I turned my head back around to face him and I pulled my gun away from his neck. Then, I calmly stood up.

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