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"Ouch." I mumbled, putting a hand on my cheek as I raised myself off the floor with all my strength. My face actually really hurt. I never knew that bumping into someone could hurt that bad. I pulled my hand back for a second, gasping as I saw patches of blood on it already.

Some of it had also found its way to my jacket as well, which just so happened to be somewhat new. I sighed in despair. My night is ruined already. "This jacket was brand new..." I trailed off, almost completely forgetting that there was in fact a very tall someone looking over me.

The man who gave off an overwhelmingly dark vibe let out a low chuckle. I felt my blood run cold at the sound of it. It was so...deep, intense even. It sent vibrations throughout my chest and nearly forced me into submission right then and there. I'm surprised I haven't fallen to my knees.

"If I remember correctly you bumped into me. You need to be more careful." He stated calmly with a thick accent that I couldn't quite figure out. He placed his hands in his pockets as he stared at me with a nonchalant look on his face.

Since my cheek was practically throbbing, I didn't have the chance to really look at him. I was too focused on the pain that I didn't pay his physical features any mind, but now it was hard to ignore. This man standing in front of me was breathtaking, despite his frightening aura. He was extremely tall. He had to be around 6'6. A complete giant compared to my 5'3 frame.

He had dark blonde hair that was gelled back into a neat quiff and it shone in the bright, flashing lights. But a few loose strands had managed to fall in his face making him look all the more charming. His lips were full and thick, set into a thin line, like he was unimpressed. And his jawline looked like it could slice through bone.

He wore a black on black suit without the blazer. The dress shirt had three buttons undone at the top, revealing a small portion of tattoos and hair along his neck and chest, and a thin gold chain. If I'm being honest, I'd say that the poor shirt looked as if it could rip at any moment. His muscles practically bulged through the material and they looked so defined. It made him look so much scarier.

And I couldn't deny that he smelt so good. The scent was hypnotizing in a way, and it had me wanting to lean against his chest to bask in his enthralling smell, but that would be an extremely inappropriate thing to do. Especially at a time like this. It would be totally backwards for me to do such a thing when I obviously feel uneasy just being in his intimidating presence.

The beautiful man placed one of his large hands on my shoulder and lightly moved it back and forth, bringing my attention to him again immediately. I winced at the amount of pressure he was using with his fingers as they practically dug into my flesh, nearly crushing the bone in the process.

The pathetic part about this is that I'm sure he's not doing it on purpose. He just had that kind of strength naturally. I blushed, embarrassed as I'd been caught in the act. "Are you alright?" He asked. Judging by the look on his face I'm guessing he doesn't really care. He looks more bored than anything else.

I nodded my head quickly in response, wanting to leave. For some reason I had a bad feeling in the pit of my gut, and it was eating away at me. There was an unsettling sparkle in the charming strangers eyes. I couldn't exactly put my finger on what it was, but I knew it was no good. It's the way that the chilling glint in them made me want to run for my life. "I-I'm okay. I'm sorry for bumping into you. Y-you're right I should have watched where I was going...I-I'll just go now." I rushed out.

I turned around to leave but I was stopped by the man suddenly grabbing my arm in a firm grip and turning me back around to face him. He grabbed my chin and lifted it, beginning to examine my face. I could feel myself slowly beginning to panic at the sudden touch. "You're bleeding." He stated the obvious. I tensed as his other hand snaked around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

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