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I had just woken up not too long ago. I'd say it's been about ten minutes since I had. But unfortunately I wasn't able to get up right away because Nas' not so small body was sprawled out on top of mine, limiting my source of air and practically crushing me.

Despite the pain I was in I found myself observing my surroundings so I can remember what the heck we did last night. I didn't do anything too crazy I'm sure. But the mess I'm seeing is pretty unexplainable.

Chipotle bowls were thrown on the floor, pop cans and beer bottles were littered across the bed and Chance even fell asleep with one in his hand. Lucien was lying hunched up against the wall, next to Torrence who's head was resting on his knee cap. Sterling and Chance are on the bed with Nas and I, Sterling's arm was thrown across the red heads back.

I resisted the sudden urge to laugh at how ridiculous we all looked, but I didn't. I want them to stay sleep for as long as possible. They did get piss drunk and high last night, especially Nas. So their rest is very needed.

I do need to get up though. Nas is starting to make my back cramp up and I can't take it anymore. I just hope I'll be able to get out of bed successfully without waking everyone up.

But I honestly think I won't have to worry about that. I say that because Torrence is snoring unbelievably loud. He has been all night and he's the reason why I kept waking up. If that didn't wake them up, then I shouldn't.

Slowly and carefully, I picked Nas' arm up by his finger and placed it by his side. I scooted my body over about an inch before I heard his groan. I huffed. I used my elbow to slightly push it into his side, causing his body to roll over completely in one second. Now he was laying on top of Sterling.

Sterling didn't seem to be bothered and neither did the big blonde next to him. I sighed in relief as I was able to finally move off the bed quietly. Grabbing my phone, I tip toed out of the room and made my way to the kitchen. Since I can't go home right now and I don't know how to get there from his house anyways, I just decided I'd stay for a little while longer. But if that wasn't the case, I would have been gone. I don't want to be a burden.

I hummed softly as I rummaged through Nas' cabinets. I collected anything I saw that was breakfast related. When I was done going through everything in his kitchen, I was able to find the basics; eggs, bacon, bread (for toast), potatoes and waffles. I lay all of the items out on the counter neatly and began my cooking.

I'm not sure how this is going to taste and I'm not going to lie I am kind of worried that it might not taste right, considering the fact that I'm not a frequent cooker. But I'm willing to put faith in it that it will turn out okay.

About a half an hour to 45 minutes passed until I was finally done. I grabbed dishes from his cabinets so I could prepare plates for everyone.

"It smells like bacon in- Angel you're cooking?" I heard a voice suddenly, startling me. I clutched onto the glass plates for dear life to keep them from slipping.

"Y-you scared me!" I said with a loud breath as I placed the fragile dishes down onto the counter carefully and turned around to face Nas. He wiped his eyes and took a seat in a stool behind the bar. "I like how you just-" he stopped briefly to yawn, "just...decided to go through my cabinets and cook." He mumbled placing his hands on his cheeks as he stared at me tiredly.

I felt myself blush in embarrassment. I kind of feel bad for doing this without permission. "Sorry, I woke up earlier than the rest of you. I-I just thought you guys would like to wake up to something to eat."

A hint of a smile appeared on his tired face. "I was joking. Thanks bro. This better be good though." He cleared his throat. "How are you holding up?" He asked me seriously, the tired expression suddenly gone. I smiled wryly, not really wanting to talk about it. I knew he would want to eventually though.

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