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Since my body was taken over completely by adrenaline, I'd hardly been able to pay attention to my surroundings. I at first was focused on keeping my breathing even and holding myself together. All while looking behind us to make sure there was nobody following us. To my surprise, no one was. And for that I was extremely grateful but I know it's much too soon for me to feel comfortable.

When I'd glanced behind us for like the thousandth time, I came to a sudden realization that there were 4 confused faces staring back at me like I had gone mad or something. Hold on a second. Am I hallucinating now? I blinked profusely and wiped my eyes, thinking I'd just imagined the huge individuals crammed in the back seat.

But when I cleared my vision nothing had changed. There were still 4 pairs of eyes staring at me filled with caution and concern. "Angel. You don't look so good man." I glanced to the far right and saw Torrence, who waved his large hand in front of my face for a moment to try and snap me out of it.

I blinked again. "Huh? W-what? When did you guys get here?" I asked, looking at Nas for a moment. Had he made them come along? If he did then we're going to have a long talk because I did not want for this to happen. More people involved means the possibility of more lives lost if we are caught.

Chance blew a bubble with his gum with a raised brow and popped it. Lucien tilted his head with a worried but disapproving look on his face. "We've been here the whole time...are you okay?"

I let out a frustrated sigh and nodded my head, trying to keep my thoughts from going all over the place yet again. The last thing I need to do is to panic. I need to stay level headed right now. I took deep breaths and glanced in between their heads to see if we were being followed and again saw nothing.

It's still way too soon to feel comfortable. Zhayne and his crew could really pop up at any moment so I have to keep watch because my life and 5 others depends on that. Now on the other hand I need to speak with Nas immediately when things calm down.

When we get somewhere safe I will make him give me answers as to who Zhayne really is. He knows something that I don't and it doesn't sit well with me. I don't care if I have to be forceful at this point to make him speak up. I will not allow Nas to beat around the bush any longer. What I just witnessed back there was enough for me and I refuse to go on without any answers.

I saw Zhayne kill a man with my own eyes without remorse. And everyone in the room with us besides me acted as if they'd seen him do something like that before many times and did nothing but stand by.

He had men waiting to do as he said and even had them murder two of Eliseo's backup. And not to mention there were drugs involved...He obviously isn't just some rich CEO, or owner of the most popular club in LA. What happened proved to me that Zhayne was something far worse.

I resisted the strong urge to bang my head against the window and took in another deep breath to calm myself. I feel so frightened, angry, and confused all at the same time. I don't think I'd ever felt this way before.

Suddenly Nas speaks up, taking my focus away from my thoughts which only seem to progressively get worse. "Where are we going? I don't think I can drive around all night. He might catch up." He says, looking around at the rest of us for answers. In less than 10 seconds, Chance was the first one to raise his hand with an idea. I hoped it was a good one.

"We can stay at the hotel that's not too far from Torrence's mansion. It's kind of expensive but rumor has it that's it's like super nice. My mom used to-" his sentence came to an unfortunate halt as the back of his head was met with the palm of Lucien's hand.

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