Chapter 6

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"What a rainy day it is today in the thirteenth," Madeline hums as she opens her eyes to the sight of a child running frantically calling for help only to fall because of a rude lady. "What seems to be th-"
"Hinami-Chan!" A single eye covered male runs crossing the street nearly about to get hit by a car. "You should be more careful .... Your sister could catch a cold. Please take care of her," the long-haired woman speaks out of concern.
"You ..... You're," The male's one eye visibly widens at her uniform.

She wore the coat and gloves, but didn't seem to carry a suitcase. "There's a terrible man out here," the woman whispers, earning a nod from the confused male who bit back his questions. With a heavy sigh, she bids them farewell before running up to a group of ghoul investigators. "You did a very good job evading me earlier. However, if this behavior continues, I'll have to put you in an early retirement. First Class ghoul investigator Kureo Mado." Madeline makes her entrance arms out in front of the female ghoul he was about to shoot up.

"You always seem to get in the way of my fun. Even delaying that inevitable death of that woman's husband," Kureo scoffs.
"You've disregarded your status. When it comes to who has the higher rank, I am still your higher up, so take my orders like gold gramps. Your irrational behavior nearly cost us the life of 696, and now you want to hastily eliminate suspect number 723," she narrows her eyes at the elderly male.

"If you wish to face the consequences, please continue so I can add more to the beautifully detailed list of violations committed. A call can be arranged to report all of your misdeeds with enough compiled evidence to prove it, of course," Madeline spoke with confidence picking at her nails as she looked over at the female ghoul. "Rest assured, I won't allow any unnecessary bloodshed whether it's human or ghoul."
"Who do you think she is?" A lower ranked male investigator mumbles to his comrade.
"She is Madeline Arroyo. The youngest to achieve the rank of Special Class Investigator," Madeo grits his teeth in disgust.

"The one who transfers to various wards. They say every prefecture she's assigned to gains the lowest casualty rate with just her keen observation skills over subordinates. It's rare for her to leave the office since they often need the woman to translate various documents," Madeo sighs in disappointment as he clicks his tongue with hands up in response to her threat.
"Now then ..... My lady, please follow us. Your husband is very worried," Madeline offers a hand to the frightened woman.

For a flicker, Madeline's eyes open, showing a second of one single red pupil with a black iris only to fade back to its original color. Deceiving to the human eyes, but unmistakable to those of a ghoul's. Quivering in place, she takes Madeline's hand. "Madeo-San, I expect your full report on my desk upon arrival, so do not skip this meeting yet again," Madeline warns the male as she swiftly escorts him. A heavy breathing Seidou sighs as he sees Madeline unharmed incredulous of her skill.

Anyone would be after the sight that unfolded without injuries involved. "You're late .... Please drive us to the twenty-third ward. I'll be in the back with the lady in restraints," Madeline stares carefully, placing cuffs onto Ryouko, who still seems to be in disbelief. "Tell me .... What is your name?"
"Ryouko Fueguchi ......... Is my ..... Is my husband truly alive?" The woman's voice falters.

"He is Mrs.Fueguchi ....... So please be patient. I'll assure the safety of both yours and your husband stay under good hands upon my responsibility," she assured the woman.


Phone call after phone call JR felt like a receptionist bombarded with news of the ghoul investigators' movements everywhere. There wasn't a place JR, CC, and AQ couldn't gather intel from.
"Hello~" AQ answers as CC goes to help Meina make it to class on time.
"Get CC or JR. I need their help," Touka didn't hesitate to say. Phone handed over to JR she licks her lips of food and then carefully places it on speaker.
"What's up, Tou-"
"The ghoul investigators got to Hinami's mom. I need you to tell me who was all involved. Names, faces, and locations."
"Understood now where was it and would you like someone on standby?"
"No ..... I'll call you if the situation calls for it."
"Understood. I'll have JR or CC nearby. Just give us your current location."


"To show our respect for the courage of Investigator Kusaba Ippei, who lost his life in the line of duty to ghoul violence, a moment of silence."

Lowering their heads, ghoul investigators are sadden to hear Kusaba get attacked. Just as it ends, Madeline hears in on Itsuki Marude's comments. "Isn't Mado here?"
"One of his own troops has died, and he can't even pay his respects. That reflects on him as a superior." Approaching Amon Mado pays his shoulder. "Hey, Amon, he'll do the same when you die, too."

"If it hadn't been for that one thing, that fool would be an assistant special investigator by now. Things are all twisted up. There will be some action in the 11th Ward soon. When that happens, you're going to get called up, too, so hurry up and take out the trash in the 20th Ward."

"Oh Madeline, you're here," Marude smiles. "I didn't hear you were being transferred back here."
"I came to visit. I was told Kusaba's passed away. Wanted to see how Nakajima was since they were great colleagues."

"I see. Don't tell me you're interested in older men?"

"Not sure what you mean by that, but I do know they treated Seidou, Kousuke, and I to some tonkatsu once so feels right to make sure my newfound friends are well in times of need," Madeline repulsed look to hide.
"They'll be recommending you to be transferred here again once they see how diligent you are and with keeping Mado in check during your rather short time here. I must praise you for that as a high-ranking investigator at such a young age and keen eyes on the misbehaved subordinates, you're truly gifted."
"Just doing as what is expected and right of me to do, sir," Madeline admits.
"Oh, nonsense without you, he would've killed those ghouls risking potential intel like that," Marude states.


"My, what an interesting sight," CC chuckles underneath their mask. They ran ahead of Yomo, who insisted on taking a quieter pace. Amon's weapon breaks as Kaneki continues to get himself tossed around like a lightweight. Seeing him panic, she watches as his quinque goes out of control. Approaching Amon, she stares down at the ghoul investigator. He shakes in fear at the sight of the ghoul, only to sigh, seeing the deceivingly young looking child with brown hair and green eyes who merely jumps over to him. The ghoul mask swiftly tucked away from sight and face mask in waterproof makeup so he couldn't even tell her facial appearance was actually a fake.

"You have a nasty wound there, mister. We should get you to a hospital."
"No ..... he .... he needs me."
"But mister, if you keep losing this much blood, you could die."
"Will you help me ..... help me I need to."
"I'll .... I'll help you, mister, but promise you'll let me call the ambulance to come come getcha, okay?"

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