No-One But You

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No-one but you makes my heart pound,
No hands but yours give me that rush,
No voice I've heard, a sweeter sound,
No stare but yours can make me blush.

No house but ours can I call home,
No presence gives more peace of mind,
No awkwardness when we're alone,
No greater gift that I can find.

No flame but yours lights up the dark,
No wink but yours can make me coy,
No firework gives off this spark,
No smile but yours can bring such joy.

No words they say can make us part,
No game but yours I want to play,
No love but yours can touch my heart,
No bond but yours can make me stay.

No wings but yours can help me fly,
No deity could make me leave,
No star as bright in the night sky,
No purer air that I could breathe.

No key but yours unlocks my soul,
No skin but yours I want to touch,
No fix but you can make me whole,
No treasure trove is worth this much.

No brighter fire sets me aglow,
No fort but yours can keep me strong,
No time like now to let you know,
No tune as sweet as your heart's song.

No stronger force can fight for me,
No problem we can't overcome,
Nobody else feels right for me,
No greater prize could I have won.

Nowhere on earth I'd rather be,
No vibrant dream can quite compare,
No time or place, just you and me,
No ring but yours I want to wear.

No warmth but yours makes my heart melt,
No light but yours can guide me through,
No deeper love I've ever felt,
No-one has me; no-one but you. 

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